Friday, April 07, 2006

A New Master

5 In love a throne will be established;
in faithfulness a man will sit on it—
one from the house of David—
one who in judging seeks justice
and speeds the cause of righteousness.

(Isaiah 16)

The political polls show George Bush to be down to 36 Percent Popularity. Long the darling of the religious right in this country, he has squandered whatever popular support he once had on a disastrous war in the Middle East, a nearly mindless devotion to the security of this nation, unwise political moves, and revelations from leaks in his government into his dabbling in areas that don't need our protection. His credibility is limited. His political clout is no more. He has not been faithful to all the American people. He has not sought justice. He has never sped the cause of righteousness.

After reading this from my Bible last night I felt my anger slipping away and a feeling of joy filling me. This world has become a nasty place to live in the last six months or so. The war is getting increasingly bad. Iran is threatening to spread it into dark corners I don't want to think about. Global warming is finally getting the better of us. My favorite pasttime has been rocked by scandal. It seems that around every corner disaster, calamity, and death awaits. In my own life, it has been a rough time as well. Financial burdens are starting to take their toll - and I never had much to begin with. My health has been neglected for too long. My job is no longer satisfying. My Novel has become stagnant. There has been nothing to look towards - no joy in my life and none yet to come.



Not hate. Not political divisiveness. Not security. Not financial gain. Not demogoguery. Not idealism. Not strength. Not tax breaks. Not social security protection. Not for or against abortion. Not any of these things - but Love. Love of friend. Love of neighbor. Love of family. Love of citizens. Love of non-citizens. Love of people in every walk of life, every financial status, every ideology, every religion, everyone, equally, and at the same time.

How can anyone be gloomy after that?

I've decided to change up ICON on Monday. A new direction, a new look. Gone will be the old gloomy Will. No more discussions of politics and dark places. It will now be all sunshine, all the time. What do we have to worry about anymore? Soon, our true leader will come to run this world and this life. He will establish a throne in love and rule in faithfulness and righteousness forever and ever more. In dedication to this coming ruler, I will now turn over my site to a sunny disposition and a can do attitude.

Come back on Monday and vote for a new leader in your life.


Andy said...


An ICON of hope.

An ICON of love.

I'm diggin' it...

Sue said...


Remember bi-polar bears like you rise to great heights after the cold dark depressions.

I think I know why you are in a writing slump and why you don't want to really take that chance to find your true Love.

You are very close to finishing your epic novel after years of having it consume you. After you are finished--then what? It must be terrifying and exciting at the same time. It must be like it was for Peter when he went to walk on the water with Jesus. "Will I step lightly on the surface or sink to the bottom like a rock?" With anxiety like that, it is a wonder you don't go into a crazy rant...wait a second..

I know you have heard this before but all things pass.

So what color will your new blog be. I'm kind of partial to orange and yellow poppies.