Tuesday, April 11, 2006

In all humility...

"This is Howard Cosell, reporting to you live from the Sinai Desert where the Israelite slaves have just posted a major upset over the favored Egyptian Pharoah. With me now to discuss this victory is Israelite big man, Moses. Moses, first of all, congratulations..."

"Yeah, thanks Howard. Its great to be here. I'd like to thank my Mom and my Dad, my brother Aaron, my sister, my wife and my children, but most of all I'd like to thank my coach, Yahweh. Without Him, this victory would not have been possible."

"Tell us, Moses, how were you able to accomplish such an upset?"

"Well, Howard, I knew it was going to be tough going in, but I fought and I persevered. The Egyptians played a great game, but you know, I never had any doubt about the outcome. Coach said they'd keep coming at us, but you know, I have mad skillz."

"That trick with the staff into the snake early on in the contest was quite a feat, how were you able to accomplish such an impossible task?"

"Practice, Howard. You know. I'd been practicing that for weeks, throwing it just right so that it turned into a snake when it hit the ground in front of Pharoah. I thought it went just like I practiced it."

"And the plagues?"

"The plagues... I mean, I knew I was good, but damn... I guess that's why Coach drafted me. I really didn't know I had it in me. I guess I really slayed them though."

"Of course, the contest looked in doubt at the end but then you pulled out the whopper of all escapes, the last second desperation parting of the Red Sea. What was going through your mind?"

"Let's put credit where credit is due, Howard. This is my lucky staff. When push came to shove, it really delivered. It wasn't easy holding all that water back, but this staff was more than up to the challenge."

"Now that you've defeated the mightiest army in the world, what are you and the Israelite nation going to do now?"

"We're going to Sinai, baby! Whooo! I'm the King of the World!"

"So there you have it. Moses has led his people out of Egypt and is now heading into the next level of competition, the Sinai. This is Howard Cosell from the Red Sea. Back to you..."


Sue said...

It sounded just like Cosell! Amazing!

AJ said...


My favorite line may have been:

"The plagues... I mean, I knew I was good, but damn... I guess that's why Coach drafted me. I really didn't know I had it in me. I guess I really slayed them though."

Nice work.