Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday Pyramid Scheme Categories

Now that an amateur archaeologist has discovered pyramids in Bosnia, I think we need to revisit some other past historical misconceptions:

Assuming that these blogs existed and have just yet to be uncovered by amateur internet scholars, Name three blog titles from famous people of the past? (I.E. The Da Vinci Blog - Leondardo Da Vinci, etc...)


Will Robison said...

1) Pond Droppings - Henry David Thoreau

2) Matrimonial Applications Accepted - Henry VIII

3) The Exotic, Erotic Baal - Mattan The Priest of Baal

Andy said...

1) Musings from the Fatherland - A. Hitler

2) The Torah - Moses

3) Idols - Aaron

Unknown said...

1. Mein Blogf - A. Hitler

2. Walkin' On Water - J. Christo

3. Don't take my name in vain - The Big G

Sue said...

Good ones!
I have been so busy at work I have not had time to check in for a while.
I really liked your blog on April 19. I am glad you still think of me. I can't wait to read the book. I think you should just declare it finished and do a market study on your friends with possible endings. Most authors have a formula anyway. We can help you find yours.

Regarding the 3 blogs. How about:

1. Drink to Success (I won the Civil War didn't I)- General Grant
2. Caesar Salad - Cleopatra
3. What you Didn't know about the Kennedy's - Marilyn Monroe