Friday, June 30, 2006

Your Health, Non-Israelite!

In an effort to get around spam filters, I think I've been insulted. I'm not quite sure what insult there is in being a non-israelite, but I'm sure its not a compliment. How do I know? Because the second spam headline read, Your Health, Milking Shorthorn - which I believe is some sort of lactating goat. Surely, that's an insult if I ever saw one.

Its Friday, and I have had little sleep. Last night, I watched a scary movie all the way up until the scary part then decided that I didn't want all that stuff running around in my head, so I shut it off. The movie in question was Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures which was the debut of young Kate Winslet. Its a haunting movie about a true story of two NZ girls who have an "unsavory" relationship that eventually leads to murder. Its opening is great film making. It starts with a 1950ish travelogue about New Zealand and its quiet peaceful capitol city of Auckland which perfectly sets the tone and gives you a little overview of the city. Then, we see a very brief dreamlike sequence of the girls dancing gaily on a steamship, followed immediately by the same girls running through the woods with their clothes splattered in blood. Very effective. Anyway, I watched the movie all the way up to the point where they were about to commit the murder, and then I shut it off.

I needn't have bothered with the whole sleep thing. A half hour later my dog threw up. I spent the next half hour waiting for my dog to finish self-medicating herself with grass (pure 100% Pacifican Backyard Weeds ;) When she finally finished, and came inside, I shut the backyard door, turned off the lights and climbed into bed. Ten minutes later, she threw up BIG TIME (In the darkness at first, I thought there was a stuffed animal next to her - but it was a big pile of undigested grass EWWW GROSS!) So, out she went again. After an hour of this, she came in and settled down and we went back to sleep. 4:15am I bolt upright in bed cause I hear this massive gasp and choking cough. Turn on the lights and the first thing I see is my dog heading for the backyard and this mass of red something all over the wall. I run to my dog to see if she's okay and then seeing that there's no permanent harm, I let her outside. Curious, I head back into the bedroom to discover the red "blood" all over the wall, was actually the red string hair of a dog toy half buried under a dog bed so that only the red is showing against the white wall. Anyway, the last two hours of the night I got to sleep straight through.

Right before I left for work this morning, I decided to watch the murder scene. It lasted about two minutes, didn't really show anything, and then cut to the credits. Somehow I think I must have offended the film gods last night by trying to go to sleep three minutes before the end of the film. Had I only known...

Maybe, after I lose this job from a lack of sleep, I can get a job writing insults for spammers? I think I can easily say, Your Health, Heaping Fry Mound!


Peter Burch said...

another epic post will. next time please let me know when i should stop reading your posts so i can avoid having "all that stuff running around in my head". i must admit, no one can post on bodily emissions, human or animal, like you brother. keep up the gross work.

Peter Burch said...

by the way, where was the picture on your blog taken

Will Robison said...

Your Health, Repentant Rochesterian! And how is the land of the Strong Museum? Sorry about the non-spoiler warning, but I'm still trying to figure out a way to phrase it: Warning Spoiled Ahead, Spewing Ahead, Spewing Warning! That might work.

The photo was taken on top of the world... at Squaw Valley this last winter when I was up there with the youth group.

Andy said...

I'm trying to figure out what the spewing has to do with the "throne of love" in the tagline above...unless we're talking about a porcelain throne of love.

Will Robison said...

Your Health, Vasilating Visigoth!

In answer to your query:
"Say to him: 'Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!"

Surely health issues are religiously considered. See, its kind of abstract. You have to find the answer yourself. I want a 500 word essay on what my blog has to do with the Throne of Love on my desktop by Monday!

Get started, mister!

Andy said...

Be careful what you wish for...