Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh The Places I've been...

I had quite a wonderful weekend where a great many things happened to me and I have lots of stories to tell you about it. But, before I do that, R. Sherman tagged me with a MEME to fill out. So, here goes...

Four Jobs I've Had.

1. I spent two and a half years chained to a light table in the secret corridors of the Fleet Intelligence Center - Pacific in Pearl Harbor, HI, looking at Top Secret satellite photos. It was the most stressful and wonderful job I've ever had. Nothing in REAL LIFE could ever compare to it - and Thank God for that!

2. I was a door-to-door canvasser for an Environmental Non-Profit Group that dealt with issues of water pollution and protection (Clean Water Act kind of stuff). It was the longest day of my working career. At the end of the day, I did the math and quickly surmised that I would spend all summer long driving around and probably not get paid much. Since I had rent to pay, I decided to get a better job.

3. I dug ditches at the Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory for a couple of days. We were creating an area for them to grow plants that would be tested in their toxic absorbtion abilities (an eco-friendly way of leaching bad things from the soil). Despite their assurances that we were perfectly safe digging ditches, I couldn't get past the idea that I was digging ditches near a nuclear testing facility.

4. I volunteered with the Bay Area Sports Organizing Committee in their unsuccesful attempt to bring the 2012 Olympic Games to San Francisco. During my six months of work, I worked at the first ever Treasure Island Triathalon, ran with the torch runner down Lombard Street during the 2002 torch relay to Salt Lake City, and met many different former Olympians.

Four Movies I Could Watch Again and Again

(With one exception, I like all of these movies because of their writing.)

1. Little Women
2. Dead Poet's Society
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Star Wars

Four Places I've Lived

1. San Francisco, CA
2. Honolulu, HI
3. Pocatello, ID
4. Las Vegas, NV

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch

1. The American Experience when David McCollough is narrating.
2. The Amazing Race
3. Lost
4. Extreme Home Makeover

Four Places I've Been on Holiday

1. Chester, England
2. Reykjavik, Iceland
3. Toronto, Canada
4. Oberammergau, Germany

Four Websites I Visit Regularly

1. NETSCAPE (Main Page for the news)
3. JimHillMedia

Four Favorite Foods

1. Liver, Bacon and Onions
2. Ball Park Hot Dogs (But only when the game is on).
3. Brooklyn Sandwich from Canters in Los Angeles (the only reason to allow this town its continued existence, IMO ;)
4. Grandma's Spaghetti... especially leftovers the next three days...

Four Places I'd Rather Be

1. Disneyland/Walt Disney World
2. A Cruise Ship
3. Challis, Idaho
4. Las Vegas during the cold months

Four Songs Wedding Reception D.J.'s Will Refuse To Play

1. You Stink (But I Love You) by Opus Penguin
2. One More Minute by Wierd Al Yankovik
3. Tiptoe Through The Tulips by Tiny Tim
4. Death Metal

Four People to Tag

1. I suppose my sister at Superstar In Training.
2. But then I wouldn't want to impose on anyone else.

And that's my list... and I'm out of time, so you'll have to hear about how I saved the world some other time.


Andy said...

Ah, the ever lovely "You stink" by Opus. Brilliant call.

Jenny said...

How funny to come across this. My husband and I were the ones who carried the torch down Lombard Street (he got the fun "twisty" part! LOL) in the 2002 torcy relay. Thanks for running with us! :)