Monday, June 05, 2006

Warning: Sharp Sarcasm Ahead

The Swift Boat Veterans For Truth have this to say about America's Number One concern; Gay Marriage.

What you probably don't know about Gay Marriage -

In 2001, Gay Marriage concerns by the FBI kept them from properly monitoring Al Qaeda communications.

In 2002, The increase in Gay Marriage proposals inextricably linked with increases in steroid use amongst Barry Bonds and increases in the number of large Texas energy companies filing for bankruptcy.

In 2003, Proponents of Gay Marriage likely suspects in disappearance of WMD's from Iraq.

In 2004, Gay Marriage in San Francisco results in less body armor for our American Troops.

In 2005, Gay Marriage fervor drains FEMA resources needed to fight Hurricane Katrina.

In 2006, The Gay Marriage Terror forces the NSA to begin spying on American citizens in order to thwart this terrible national security threat.

So, my Fellow Americans, you can clearly see that Gay Marriage is the number one most insidious and dangerous thing that we Americans face right now. Which is why we Swift Boat Veterans For Truth call upon all members of the Federal Government currently seeking reelection to fight this terrible menace as if it was the most important thing in the whole world. Because it is. And we have no reason to lie.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Sue said...

That's the Will I love and admire, sigh.