Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm Back! Did you miss me?

No, this is not a post about the second coming ;) For the past several days, between blogger and earthlink, I've been unable to post. You've missed some sterling internal conversations from me during that time. But all is forgiven in this electronic universe we attend.

So, I've been sitting here, a little more than A mile from the beach thinking up these great posts to write about. Me. A humanmerelybeing. Writing to you, gentle souls, about the great mysteries of the faith - not the least of which is how The Carioca became a Dodger fan when I tend to have such great respect for Brazilians (one too many soccer balls upside the head, I suspect). My Reflections of the past few days have seemed at times like musings from the hinterland and I've banged my head against the wall many a time. But one thought in particular Changes Daily and that thought has to do with my love and respect for Jesus Christ. Truly, I am not the only man coming alive in Christ but I still feel a singular connection and my relationship is ever blossoming and such a part of The Bittersweet Life. Which is all just my way of saying, I missed you guys.

But now I'm back. Ready to take on the world one crazy obsessive fan at a time. So, feel free to comment. Or not. But do so knowing that God loves you infinitely more than you know.


Andy said...

Bravo. Glad the tech issues are done...

Anonymous said...

Too cool!!! Thanks for the subliminal plug. I should do a post with puns. I think Icon do it!

Marcel said...

Will you take a look at that Robin, son? Nice plug, Giant fan.