Thursday, April 03, 2008

I'm Feeling No Pain

La la la la la lalalalalalalalala! Its like its Friday around here. My brain is bouncing off the ether of my mind. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Boing.

I can't explain the feeling, but its kind of like someone replaced the milk in my coffee with Nitrous Oxide. My brain is firing on all cylinders and I'm zooming through the world like Willy Wonka's boat through a tunnel, except Gene Wilder isn't in control and singing a creepy song.

I've had some genius ideas today - and none of them will end up on the dustbin later in the light of day. I also got to see my second film for film class yesterday and it sucked, and I don't really care. Nothing hurts. I'm just bouncing along. Paid off some judges in Nevada. No arrest warrant. Boing, boing. Going to Reno later this month on a business trip, staying at a crappy resort, going to gamble by eating at the buffet and pretend I know what I'm talking about. Bounce. How about a WMD in my shorts? Sure, why not? Nothing is off-limits in this strange brain in the membrane of mine.

And on top of it all, I'm finally getting a clear understanding of the direction God is leading me. Strange. Like I've found the rarified air on His mountain and beyond the prophesying and annoying flame above my head and on my tongue, I can actually catch a glimpse of da future...

My church is world-class at being a church. It has church services and an organ and a choir and wonderful music and time spent doing living portraits and video on a screen and handbells and candles and pews and hymns and hundreds of committees each trying to make the occasional visitor welcome and good sermons and cute kids saying wonderful things and prayers for the whole world and locally and all sorts of incredible well-thought out and proper church things. But I'm tired of doing church. I want to do Christian things for a while. I want to be a Christian in the world. Its time to take the church out to the people.

But I have no idea what that means and this air is hard to breathe and I think I just saw John Lennon. Boing. Bounce. I need to come down from the heights. I need to breathe normal oxygen. I need to be back amongst my peeps. No man was meant to be this giddy for no darn good reason. Quick, a cheeseburger, STAT! I need to be weighed down and come down from the mountaintop. I need to stop and breathe, just breathe.


Back to normal. No more bounce. No more boing. Just everyday mundane world - joy wrapped up in a box, put on a shelf to be viewed from time to time in dark days. Back to church as usual. Back to choir and youth games and bell ringing and who's going to make the cookies and serve the coffee and greet the guests. I've already forgotten what I was talking about before. Bonk. Splat.

Gravity sucks.


Will Robison said...

Okay, Will... had your fun? Now get back to work. No more strangeness out of you!

Anonymous said... topic...but...

C'mon...who voted for Dragonslayer over LOTR Fellowship of the Ring?

Willy Wonka vs. Princess Bride? C''s "inconceivable" that Oompa Loompas are ahead of Buttercup and Fezzik...