Tuesday, April 22, 2008


We all start out wanting to be Luke Skywalker. Then, somewhere along the way, we realize that its more fun to be Han Solo. But when all is said and done, we end up becoming Obi-wan Kenobi. Lately, I've been feeling the pull of my Obi-wanness.

When we are young we say, "When I grow up, I want to be..." As we get older, and becoming is more immediate, we say, "I'm studying to be..." At adulthood, we are constantly asked what we are, what we've become. We begin to reach that peak-identity and we struggle with the notion, "Is this all that I am?" Finally, as we are past our prime, we wonder, "What will become of me?"

I'm moving past a stage of growth. I can feel a new paradigm shift in my thinking. For me, its no longer about BEING anything, but about BECOMING. I find the inadequacy of being is that it feels like a constraining definition. Who am I? I am a youth leader - but that doesn't define me. I am a Inventory Specialist - not even close to a true definition. I am a Christian. I am a Film Student. I am a writer. I am a blogger. I am a T-Ball coach. I am a stat man for USF. I am a hiker. None of these things really defines who I am. And to be fair, my BEING a hiker is not really fair to the definition of a HIKER.

It is far better to say that in all these endeavors I am becoming a Christian, film student, writer, blogger, t-ball coach, stat man, hiker, inventory specialist, youth leader. I am constantly evolving. I am constantly changing, not only my goals but my inner core that sets and defines my goals. When I achieve one goal, I do not stop and simply become that thing. No, I reset my goals and begin to achieve anew. The person that is Will Robison is in a constant state of becoming something else, even after death.

Being is static. Becoming is dynamic. It changes the state of everything when you replace one with the other. Jesus was becoming fully human and fully God, as opposed to Jesus was fully human and fully God. Indeed, one suggests that the journey was over the second He was created. The other suggests that there was some purpose to the journey, as indeed there was. But history then becomes a thing which is constantly in motion. We are never complete. We are always evolving. Life doesn't just go on, life becomes. Everything starts as nothing and becomes everything. We all have an end goal. We all have an end point. And until we reach that point, we are constantly becoming that end point.

But, lest you become bored with this thought game, I shall end this blog now and let it become a blog with comments attached.

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