Thursday, May 11, 2006

Suggestions Needed

Have you ever looked at your schedule and said, "Wow. If only I could get rid of one thing that really takes up all my time?" Well, that's the thing that's looking me in the face. Approximately one week from now, the Novel is done and I have my evenings free for the first time in three and a half years. The problem is, short of starting a crime spree, I really haven't got any ideas about what to do to fill up my new found time. I'm afraid that the answer will be to cut a giant groove in my bed in front of my TV while I watch re-runs for the entire summer.

So I'm looking for some interesting, though not super time consuming, alternatives to sitting on my couch this summer. Any suggestions?


Andy said...

1. Continued baseball insights at the new blog, The 7th Inning Stretch.

2. Hike daily.

3. Or alternate with a bike ride.

4. Tom Cruise, I continued to mock you!!!

Unknown said...

1. I know a nephew of yours with a really cool set of hot wheels.

2. Learn to drink tea with Natalie - hold out your pinky, then burp.

3. Work on The Orphanage (which I created) with me.

4. Start training for September - with me and the kids. We could use it, too. Only, let's leave Mom's purse at home.

5. Learn a new skill - anything.

6. Become a big brother.