Thursday, May 25, 2006

Applications Now Being Accepted

After the first draft of The Thin Line, I was a little wary about sharing it with strangers. The ending was in such disarray that I didn't want them to read it and be disappointed. There were also some serious problems with pacing and motivation. I hesitated to find readers.

I've introduced new characters, rewritten whole sections in the middle of the book, and practically retold 2/3rds of the final act now and have reached a point where I am confident that the problems I had with the first draft are gone. The Thin Line, while needing a little tweaking (spelling, grammar, continuity, etc...), is ready for readers.

Starting a week from today, I will begin taking ten chapters at a time, tweaking them, and then printing them. I will make five copies. I need five volunteers to read these chapters. When these volunteers finish the first ten chapters, the second ten chapters ought to be available for them to read.

Besides people who are just looking for a good summer read, I am looking for readers with the following skills - You must be willing to trash my writing (too many cliches , Will, what the heck are you thinking here? etc...), find copious spelling and grammatical errors, and offer constructive criticism. What I am not looking for are philosophical debates on the meaning of certain ideas, concepts, or scenes in the book (though if you're uncomfortable with a scene or it plays as being entirely unrealistic, that would be good to know).

Though I am confidant that my readers will enjoy my book and find it perfectly written and wonderfully entertaining, I know that I am full of it. Since I have never had a single perfectly written and wonderfully entertaining review in my entire life, to hope that I somehow nailed an 1100 page book on the second try is just a little unrealistic.

Readers will be acknowledged when the book is finally published (so you get to be in that list of thank you's that the author throws out there even though none of us ever actually know who these people are ;) and I'll invite you to the wrap party.

Most agents only ask to see the first or first three chapters. So the first 10 chapters that are read and tweaked will be the most important chapters of my life. No pressure.

If you think you are ready for this challenge, simply respond below. I'll add your name to the list.


Andy said...

Duh. Like you needed to ask me? I'm in.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up that is if you want someone outside of California to look it over. I just finished my first book and it is in peer review right now.

I'll be honest and I am not afraid to take a red pen and bleed on it. Let me know if you need my assistance.