Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday's Holiday Category

A real quick one for Andy who is leaving to go wi-fi'ing in a campground somewhere... I hope he remembers to bring extra batteries for his 42" Portable Plasma Screen TV as well... ;)

Name three new holidays that America ought to have...

Good luck and I'll see you all next week!


Andy said...

1. The Generic Religious Holiday

2. National Protest the Protesters Day

3. Fois Gras Day.

Will Robison said...

1) Alsatian Independence Day

2) Steve McQueen's Birthday

3) Shot Heard Round The World Day - The Day The Giants Win The Pennant! The Giants Win The Pennant! The Giants Win The Pennant!

Anonymous said...

1. September 11th (by far the most needed new holiday.)

2. Billy Graham Day (Look what all he's done)

3. Baseball Opening Day (Everyone should be at the ballpark)

4. Al Sharpton's Birthday (Just because he's Al Sharpton and is a snazzy dresser)

5. Evil Kenevil's Birthday (The man, the myth, the legend)

6. ESPN Founders Day (pay homage to Bristol, CT)

7. Bill Gates Day (He is the man, we wouldn't have this blog without him)

8. John Belushi Remembrance Day (How can you not remember this guy)

9. Blackbeard the Pirate Day (There are no pirate holidays and one is needed)

10. Dennis Conner's Brithday (He is the most underated American hero)

Unknown said...

1. Heather Day
2. All Saints Day - to celebrate peace activists, Mother Theresa, Ghandi... etc.
3. Holocaust Remembrance Day

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap, I forgot Elvis' Birthday (January 8th)