Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Word Part Dos

As if in answer to what I was saying yesterday, I was reading Psalm 91 last night and I came across words that were familiar to me. Later, as I was reading the liner notes from the Bible I noted two things. First, the psalm was attributed to some random scribe or song leader - or, in other words, some schmoe just like you and me. And second, that the familiar words were quoted by Satan to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. Now, how's that for lofty ambitions? Who here wants to write words so important that Satan will use them to try and tempt Jesus? Nobody. And nobody can. No matter how hard you try, you can't write the words of God. Only God can write those words. You might physically put them on the paper, but the authorship of the words is not in doubt.


Andy said...

Once again.

Amen, brother. Amen.

Anonymous said...

You are blowing my mind, and I hate it that I have so little time to chime into this fascinating conversation. I think that the theologian Karl Barth would have said that this kind of discussion can only proceed properly with cigars and beer, and I wish I was there to hash it out with you with whatever assitance is required.

Jesus said, "Let the one who has ears, hear." I think you make a lot of sense, Will, when you point out that someone who is ready to hear God will hear what you're saying through your devotional writing. Even non-religious literature that never mentions God can point toward God if you're looking for it. Look at all the theological interpretations of Star Wars or March of the Penguins.

That said, you can't hear God in any old thing. Clear and skillful writing that makes a point is necessary.

That's why you need to keep writing.

Will Robison said...

I'll bring the beer... but I've given up on the cigars ;)