Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bad Movies We Love

For at least two years now, my brother and I have been having an unofficial Xmas contest. We each try to find the DVD that represents the best movie you ought to have in your collection, but probably don't. Past years have seen movies like The Right Stuff and Laser Blast, and last year, Andy joined the fray with The Final Countdown.

But now I'm starting a new category this year and I need your help... Bad Movies We Love. Movies that are never going to win any awards, that for whatever reason, we still watch over and over again. Grease is, I think, the prime example of this genre. We all mock it. We all cringe at parts during the movie. Shakespeare it ain't. And yet, we love this little film.

So I'm opening the doors wide open... any suggestions?


Andy said...

The Last Starfighter. Cheesy effects, silly story, yet strangely compelling and entertaining.

Star Wars The Phantom Menace. Because we really love to mock Jar Jar. And the kid's really wooden acting. But that Pod Race still kicks tail, as well as the fight with Darth Maul.

Battlestar Galactica 1978 - classically bad sci fi, with a great premise. Thankfully done right in the new TV series on Sci Fi Channel.

Flash Gordon - "Flash...aaaaahhh..savior of the universe!" Worth it just for that song. And the fact that he was a NY Jets QB.

Odd. I have all science fiction films. Hmmm...there must be others...

Top Gun. It is "bad" because it is a classic Tom Cruise formula movie...girlfriend smarter than him, he's a hotshot jerk, older mentor, buddy who dies, defining character moment, becomes nice, then redeems himself. But I like the soundtrack and those jets were so cool in 1986.

Unknown said...

I'm going to weigh-in for the chick-flick genre:

Dirty Dancing - God, I LOVE this movie! Who didn't think they would meet the hunky sweaty ballroom dance teacher every year at camp?

Pretty in Pink - actually, pretty much any John Hughes film. So, I guess we have to add Breakfast Club, Hughes' best work.

Fools Rush In - its such a silly movie, but, when my bro and I were roommates and it would come on cable, we'd order up a pizza, sit down and watch it and howl.

You know this is a bad category for me since I pretty much have every movie I've ever seen on tape.

Andy said...

But I don't think The Breakfast Club is a bad movie.

Fools Rush In - now that's bad. Yet entertaining. Or My Best Friend's Wedding. Bad. Awful. Yet oddly entertaining.

Unknown said...

Andy, I didn't consider the category to mean "truly abominable" - just not Oscar-worthy. Hmm, if I had a truly abominable category...

All the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. Horrible, but they still scare the pants off me! LOL!!

Anything that comes on Lifetime. Most of them are oddly engaging, though.

Can't think of any others right now, but I know there are tons!

Anonymous said...

"The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension" is incomprehensible but lots of fun. I mean, just the title alone makes it worthy of special honor.

Will Robison said...

Joe Vs. The Volcano...


and, of course,

Every Godzilla Ever Made!