Thursday, November 17, 2005

Welcome back my friends...

Okay. I was out sick yesterday. Something I've noticed lately. I seem to always get a cold every year when the temperature variant is at its greatest. So, its like 80 degrees here during the day and 40 degrees at night. Boom... flu like symptoms - which you can't take lightly anymore.

Anyway, back to our Welcoming Psalm...

What we have so far...

Lord, those who we greet,
We do so in your Name.

When strangers come looking for you, O Lord,
we are your smile.
When they come to meet you,
we are your handshake.
When they come to embrace you,
we are your hug.

I was thinking, at this point, that we ought to have something that describes not only our hopes, but also our fears, in any encounter with a stranger - followed by assurance that God will make everything alright.

Any ideas? Heather? Are you still lurking out there?

1 comment:

Andy said...

Instill confidence in us O Lord,
That we may greet these guests.