Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Last Acts of Desperate Men

I've been trying to avoid political discussions because I realize my views are skewed by my hatred of the war in Iraq that we should never have begun. However, that doesn't make me really anti-war, it just makes me anti-war unless there's a really, really good excuse for wasting lives. Lately, however, the White House strategy for fighting this war has taken a turn for the bizarre - surely the last acts of desperate men.

We are to believe that we need to continue funding and supplying troops to fight a war that we can't win, that we refuse to try and win, and that even the Iraqi people are saying we don't need to be their fighting. We are told that if we fail in this battle for Iraq, we will fail in the war on terror. That's what the puppet on the left hand says.

The puppet on the right hand says that Al Qaeda is stronger now than at any period since 2001 and that they are itching to attack the U.S. at any moment.

Um, did I miss something? We are supposed to support a White House that has gotten us into a deadly and costly war with no plan of getting out and has been fighting a war on terror for over five years with absolutely NO RESULTS? What exactly have we been spending $400 Billion on each and every year since 2002? Where has all that money gone? And why aren't we any safer now than we were before we ever landed in Afghanistan?

This seems a strange strategy to me right before the election. The White House seems intent to scare us into not pulling out of Iraq because we'll lose the war on terror, and they seem intent on scaring us at home as well because the terrorists might strike at any moment. So basically, the only thing the White House has left to offer the American People is Fear Itself.

Even if I believe the Democrats will be just as incompetent as the Republicans in running this country right now, I would still vote for them in a heartbeat just because they haven't insulted my intelligence in nearly 8 years. That's got to count for something.

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