Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Faith vs. Science - Back to Square One

The obvious answer to a scientist non-belief about God is, of course, to point out the incredible vastness of the universe and say, "Do you really believe that all this just sprang into creation out of nothing and for no purpose?" For those of us who believe, the answer is, of course not. It must have been created by something and for a specific purpose. Something as big as the universe doesn't just happen.

Well, it just occurred to me that the same argument can be applied to God Himself by scientists. I.E. If something as big as the universe doesn't just happen, then how does God just happen? Or to put it another way, if God created the universe, who created God?

Putting the mumbling and grumbling aside for a while, we are forced to admit that scientist have a point and that it still comes down to an issue of faith. We are never going to reason God into existence and we are never going to reason Him out of existence. Ultimately, we are simply left with a choice. Do we believe or don't we? If there was proof one way or the other, we'd be pretty foolish to ignore it and we wouldn't really need faith.

So what kind of person are you? The kind who believes everything just happens? Or the kind who believes there's a purpose to everything? I think that pretty much sums up the question.

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