Thursday, February 22, 2007


While I wish the title of this blog could refer to a miraculous reappearance of my manly physique, that is only wishful thinking right now. What it does refer to is the clean mental air I breathed last night on the first night of my TV fast for Lent.

I did not feel good last night. I think the oncoming symptoms of a cold finally started to train wreck me. So after spending a few hours reacquainting myself with my computer, and specifically with the programs I need to update my website (hint, hint, hint...), I crawled into bed early to read a good book. Had I known that there was only about three pages left in the book I was reading, I might have spent more time on the computer. Five minutes later, I was done with the book and I was too tired to do anything else. I just lay on my bed, not watching TV, and letting my mind wander.

I discovered something that I had forgotten. At first, it was just words. Then entire sentences began to race around my mind like kids rediscovering Disneyland for the first time in years. I suddenly realized that I was thinking... yes, THINKING! Imagine that. Ideas, thoughts, feelings, concepts... it was a smorgasbord of mental activity. And underlying all this delightful mental gymnastics was the single thought, "So this is what it's like when you turn the TV off!"

The cobwebs fade. The noise disappears into a mere echo of itself. There is no TV in my existence for the next 39+ days.

Thank God!


Sue said...

Hi Will,

Thank you for your post on February 12. I really enjoyed the discussion. I found yesterday's discussion about athiests interesting too. My father is an athiest and most of my teenage years I considered myself an athiest too. At that time, I had forgotten the "conversations" I had with God as a young child and thought that everything I knew and accepted as "truth" needed to have a logical or scientific explanation. Jesus was just not logical and I rejected the whole idea of Jesus for many years. Lucky for me, Logic brought me back to God. And once I accepted God again, I knew that Jesus was an obvious gift of God.

Best wishes in your TV fasting. I see you already got through the withdrawel phase. The hallucinations and the hand tremors don't last long either. If you have relapse or weak moment, call me. I'm your buddy :)

MizB said...

I read an article the other day, that said that those who watch TV have less memory capacity than those who don't watch much/any.

And, to top it off (though, this was kinda obvious), those who READ (instead of watching TV) have an even BETTER memory capacity!


Anyhoo -- best wishes for your TV fast... I'm avoiding Pop for Lent. ;o)

<>< Mizbooks

Will Robison said...

Suzanne - thanks. That explains the ticking clock that I kept hearing yesterday and the odd feeling that I could stop time. I thought I was just completely insane. I guess it was just withdrawls. ;)

Mizb - I'm sorry. I forgot what you said. ;)