Friday, February 09, 2007

I have so much to say...

I have so much to say, that I can't say a thing. My brain is in gridlock. Thoughts, feelings, strategies, reminders, contemplations, prayers - everything is jammed in there tight like Fibber McGee's closet (now I'm pre-dating myself! ;) But I feel like blogging darn it, so that's what I'm going to do. I'm communicating that which makes no sense to me. It might seem like rambling to you, but to me, its mental ex-lax (that's an image to keep you up at night - imagine if all the crap in your head came flying out at once; old locker combos, ex-girlfriends phone numbers, partially remembered recipes, half spoken prayers, lots and lots of useless trivia, gossip, and political diatribes. The entire world would be buried waste deep in smelly communication. Hey. Now that I think about it - that kind of describes MySpace ;)

My default meter is set to humor. I'm sorry if you don't think its funny. Its all my de fault. Ba da dum!

Somewhere lodged in my brain are the following things:

1) Atheists posting a challenge on YouTube asking young people to publicly reject God and Jesus. Thousands of kids, according to the news article, are taking them up on this challenge. Probably because they think its cool. This sort of story makes me sick to my stomach. I don't consider myself to be overly evangelical. I'm perfectly fine with some people being atheists. But this smacks of anti-evangelicalism. This smacks of the Enemy launching a major salvo at humanities salvation. Yet, I'm sure that Pat Robertson is too busy wondering how to assassinate Hugo Chavez to worry about something like this. Where is the outcry for things that really matter from our religious leaders? We're worried about two men kissing on a Snickers commercial but not worried about our youth being led into making public declarations against God?

2) I couldn't say no to the start of T-Ball season. I don't have the time for it. I can't imagine shifting everything around to add it to my schedule. But its something I need to do. Like smelling fresh grass every spring, tasting that first brat with spicy mustard, hearing the crack of a wooden bat, watching the man-powered scoreboard change in right field; T-Ball has become part of my hope of spring eternal.

3) My unfocused brain scares me sometimes. Last week I had a great story idea about a cruise ship for elderly people who wish to euthanize themselves. I'm scared to think what I'll think up next if I don't finish my novel soon.

4) No LOST, no Heroes, No NCAA Basketball, No Amazing Race: All Star Edition, No Extreme Home Makeover, No BSG, No Jericho, No Prison Break... what the hell was I thinking exactly? I may be ready to follow Jesus to Calvary by the time I'm done with Lent this year. I will have lost all will to live. Especially if LOST starts to get good again. ;)

5) Duke is down. USF doesn't have a prayer. CAL has lost five straight. Honestly, I picked a good year to not watch the NCAA's. Who cares about UCLA, Florida, or Kansas? Really? One of those teams, especially, seems so Self-ish. ;)

Well, I have to get back to work now. Thank you for letting me unclog.

Have a good weekend.


Andy said...

1. Dead on right about the YouTube videos and the call to denounce the existence of the Holy Spirit. It is a scary and creative method that the Enemy has come up with, and has greater implications for our world than the Snickers commercial.

2. Thank you for coming back to coach - after 4 years it doesn't seem like baseball's back without a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds learning the game for the first time or returning for another year of "chase the coach."

3. Finish it already!

4. Yeah, you could not have picked a worse time to select a fast from TV during Lent. On the other hand, maybe fasting from "Jericho" isn't such a bad idea...

5. College hoops? It's a mere speed bump on the way to baseball season.

Sue said...

Hi Will,
That YouTube story makes me very sad. I think as sins go, any kind of brain washing of youth that takes away their true freedom of choice is the worst sin that one can commit. I hope enough kids out there realize that rejecting God is not the smart thing to do. However, things that are "cool" one day, lose there coolness eventually. The smart kids will know better.

I wanted to talk about something and I hope that someone responds. Today at a church I started attending lately, one of the ministers (a women), in her sermon about "love", announced that she married another woman in San Francisco a couple of years ago. I didn't quite know what to feel about it. To me, even if legal it seems weird. But who am I to judge? I am certainly a sinner that needs to repent everyday. Now I am not sure if this is the right church for me. What do you think?