Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mysteries of Faith - Part Three

This question only came to me recently while reading through the Gospels again, but I can't shake the question or its implication. So, I need people to weigh in with their opinions.

If the essence of being human is that we are flawed creatures who sin (we can not avoid this if you follow the doctrine of Original Sin), can we really say that Jesus was Fully Human and Fully God if he never sinned?

I know I must be missing something obvious. Please enlighten my dull witted spirit.


Anonymous said...

The taint of original sin is passed through males. That is we bear the genetic marker of Adam. That is why Christ was born to a virgin, and why God in the Garden of Eden told Satan that the seed of the Woman would step on his head.

As for not sinning, let me suggest that Man, but for his own will and Adam's sin, would be perfect. Ergo, Christ was more human than the rest of us. He was/is what we could and should have been.


Andy said...

Bingo - Randall nailed it. We are made in God's image, as perfect creatures, but screwed it up at the fall. Jesus was/is the perfect man - or to use Chesterton's words, the Everlasting Man.