Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Minor Irritant #3

I can't leave you without a non-movie related minor irritant. So, Minor Irritant #3 - Stupid Telemarketers.

There are stupid telemarketers and there are stupid telemarketers. But the one who called the other day really takes the cake.

The phone rang. I picked it up and said, "Hello." I heard the unmistakable sound of the phone bullpen in the background and knew immediately that it was a telemarketer. "Hi there, I was wondering if I could speak to..." Click! I had already started forming the rejection on my tongue when I heard the line go dead. The telemarketer had hung up the phone before I could even reject him. Either the Psychic Friend's Network people are moonlighting, or the telemarketer accidentally cut me off.

Talk about stupid.

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