Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Nature vs. Nurture

Not to be outdone by my partners in last night's movie going experience, I too had some thoughts on King Kong. Though, really, relating King Kong to sin was pure genius.

My thoughts are much more mundane, human, and perhaps morbid. After all, they came to me in the shower this morning - my own private little creative laboratory where my body goes on neutral under the warm flow of water and my mind is given free reign to come up with some of the bizarrest thoughts of my life. This one was no exception.

Having seen The Chronicles of Narnia on Monday, and King Kong on Tuesday, the thought occured to me about what sort of havoc Kong would wreak in Narnia. Kong, as Peter Jackson envisions him, is just pure raw nature - destructive as an earthquake, dangerous as a forest fire, and yet, tender as new fallen snow. Nature, in all its power and glory, unleashed on mankind. In its own environment, it rules. In proximity to humans, it is deadly. Narnia, on the other hand, is an allegory for the Christian story and is meant to symbolize some sort of Christian kingdom. It is ruled over by a lion, by the name of Aslan, who sacrifices himself to save the entire kingdom though he is pure and innocent.

Right off the bat, come on - Giant Ape that can defeat several dinosaurs at once versus a lion. No contest. The Ape would smash the lion and rip its head off. (Like I said, morbid ;) But this is no ordinary contest. The lion has the deck stacked in its favor. For though Kong represents all of nature - nature at is most wild, spectacular and dangerous - the King of the whole natural world, King Kong would kneel before the lion - not for fear of losing its life, but for the hope of gaining it.

If King Kong would bow before the lion, shouldn't we as well?


Andy said...

Bravo - you, too, have connected Kong to the Christian life! Bravo!

Will Robison said...


There used to be a couple of local DJ's here who had weekly "fights" on the radio. What they'd do is pick two animals to have an imaginary fight at the end of the week and then asked callers to pick which one would win. It was sadistic and terrible, but it was really funny to listen to people justify their picks. I remember the Gorilla vs. Polar Bear fight. I think the Polar Bear won.

As for the animation, I don't get those kinds of channels - but I'm not surprised. They used to have the animated Celebrity Death Match, and this sounds kind of familiar.

By the way, the original King Kong came out in the 30's. Yes, it was that far ahead of its time...