Monday, December 19, 2005

Monday's More Important Things...

And now for some more important things...

There's an online petition to strongly suggest to SBC/AT & T to rename SBC Park/Pac Bell Park home of the San Francisco Giants, Willie Mays Field. Please support this noble effort by clicking here and signing up.

Kudos to Time Magazine for naming Bono of the rock group, U2, and Bill and Melinda Gates co-people of the year for their tireless efforts to end world poverty and hunger. If you haven't already joined, please click here to join the One Campaign. For just the price of your signature, we can pressure the governments of the world to do something good for all mankind for a change.

So Willie Mays Field and the End of Poverty and Hunger in one blog... that must be some sort of record... ;)

1 comment:

Andy said...

# 349 on the petition!