Friday, July 24, 2009

Lest I get into a rut...

Sometimes your life is about Kenya, sometimes not. As much as I want to go, I have to remember to maintain a fair and balanced life that includes my other interests. For some reason, my mind has wandered in different directions this week. That's okay. It'll come back to Kenya before too long - of that I am certain.

You see, I apply the same sort of lack of mental discipline in all things that I do. I let my mind free to wander wherever it may go. Unfettered it can take me into some pretty strange places, but eventually it gets bored with its wanderings and comes back refreshed and usually with some keen new insight into a former problem.

For instance, I have not applied any sort of rigid control on my brain in trying to figure out the brief synopsis of my second planned novel (of a trilogy). I just sort of let my brain wander. As a result, it has taken some time to get from point A to point Z, and my brain has taken some interesting turns along the way, but it finally produced a conclusion this week. I'm happy to say that the synopsis for novel #2 is done and its pretty good. Now, I let my brain loose again to finish off the trilogy so that I can finally sit down and start writing the first novel. (You see, I kind of need to know the ending of the story before I write the beginning - which is why I need to at least plan out the second and third books of the trilogy before I start writing the first).

My brain has also been distracted with the arrival of my new camera and the impending start of my second film. I've been cramming an entire semester's worth of digital film making knowledge into one week of study, just to get started. This sort of technical knowledge is fascinating and mentally draining - which tends to make my artistic side of the brain wander all the more and further afield (which explains why I am always a mental basketcase at the end of the school year).

So in pursuit of purely intellectual and artistic goals this week I have not had time nor the energy to work on Kenya. But I don't feel negligent, just absent. You see all of these pursuits serve some sort of higher purpose in the long run though I don't always know what that purpose might be - kind of like algebra in high school. Some of the strangest bits of knowledge that I've gleaned on these flights of fancy have proved to be rather helpful on occasion - I even remember one little bit of knowledge that calmed a storm brewing in Naval Intelligence (but, of course, I can't talk about it).

As you can imagine, I'm a big fan of the Beatle's song, "A Day In The Life." Where It will go, indeed...

Have a great weekend!

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