Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Countdown to Kenya - Day One

I've been visited today by my alter-ego, Dr. Wig. He is the fun side of my personality - the one who sees everything in a positive light. He's been woefully missing during the last couple of months and it was good to have him back in charge of the ol' brain for a while.

Of course, he's spent most of the day mocking me for my lack of faith on Kenya. He's reminding me of how far I've got to go on this whole faith thing.

For instance, I've always read that Luke passage that I quoted a couple of days ago as Jesus chastising his disciples for waking him when clearly the storm would have not killed them so long as Jesus was aboard. "Where is your faith?" Or to paraphrase, "Surely you didn't think God was going to sink this ship while I was aboard, did you?" But I suddenly realized this week that Jesus was not questioning their faith because the disciples were scared of sinking, He was questioning their faith because they bothered Him at all. "Where is your faith?" I.E. Why did you wake me? Why didn't you just calm the seas?

I've been setting out on the boat journey's of life with a life vest. I've taken my oars. I've remembered my fishing tackle, my GPS, my radio to call for help, my navigational charts, even my flares... but I don't think I've ever packed my Storm Quelling Kit.

It sounds ridiculous until you read the Bible and see what His disciples and all manners of great Biblical leaders were able to accomplish with little more than faith. Imagine walking into a gathering of crazed religious fanatics and challenging them to a duel of the gods. Imagine having them call upon their god to light a Weber Grill and failing... to be expected, of course. But imagine then taking the same Weber Grill, dousing it with water, and calling upon God to light that puppy from Heaven. What do you REALLY think would happen?

Or what if you were commanded to have the Earth spin backwards one day? Or you were being pursued by an entire army down to the banks of an impassable channel of water? Or what if you were commanded to attack an entire army with just a handful of men? (none of whom looked like Gerald Butler from 300 ;)

I think the least of God's troubles would be for me to find a way to Kenya. To Him, this might be the equivalent of worrying whether He'll remember to breathe in the next second. Get Will to Kenya? Got anything a little more challenging?

I mean how small must my faith be if faith the size of a mustard seed can move entire mountains?

See... Dr. Wig is a good mocker and I'm glad he's back inside my head for a while - even if it means more thoughts on my Broadway Musical... ;)

Now, to figure out how to raise $13,600 in the next six months ($3600 for Kenya, $10,000 for the Movie) and to lose 40 pounds. Anyone want to sponsor me to lose weight? $1 a pound! That's a real steal on the normal conversion rate which is closer to $2 a pound right now... All proceeds get me to Kenya... even if I have to walk or swim part of the way.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

I may be naive, but my view is to seek God's will and when you're feeling led in a specific direction move that way and rely on God to prod you along the correct path. If you keep your eyes on Him and His goal, he'll work it out, assuming you've discerned the correct goal in the first instance. The journey may take wind up looking like a pinball, but ultimately you'll get where He wants you to be. Right now, that appears to be Kenya so keep moving toward Nairobi. Yet, for all you know, He may wind up stopping you in Ghana.


Dave Lamb said...

I like the boat in the storm insight Will.

I haven't been reading this religously. Is your Kenya mission & goal spelled out someplace?