Monday, July 27, 2009

Buy Three Miles or One Lego Brick or One Bag O' Rice!

Somewhere in your life, there is money lying around doing nothing. Lazy Money is a problem that affects 99 out of 100 Americans. But fortunately for you, there is a cure.

In the far off land of Kenya there are people who have a very vigorous exercise program for money. You send your money to this program and it will be stretched, used, invested, and put to such good use that you will be amazed at how far your money can go.

For instance: For every lazy dollar you send, three miles of ocean, land, air, and other assorted planetary mass can be traveled over by one intrepid person (me). I should know. So far I have been able to leap over 300 MILES on just pocket change! That's very well exercised money indeed!

For instance: For just five lazy dollars you can buy one Lego brick. Now, that may not sound like much, but 700 of these Lego bricks magically transform into a complete HOUSE in Kenya. 700 plastic bricks = 1 home. That's not something that even Ty can accomplish on Extreme Home Makeover!

For instance: For just forty lazy dollars, you can clear a pad of ground, fill it with nutrients and water, plant seeds, watch it grow, cultivate the rice grains, dry them, bag them and deliver them to starving children in a home on a mountainside halfway around the world in Kenya - thus feeding the children for a short time. When was the last time your dollars even did half of that?

Your dollars are lazy, flabby things. Send them to me and I promise to make them strapping and handsome again! There won't be a bit of fat on them when I am done with them.

So, send your lazy do-nothing dollars to:

Lakeside Presbyterian Church PC(USA)
201 Eucalyptus Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132

Please include a note that says: These dollars are for the Kenya Children Mission Project. And, if you'd like to help send me to Kenya, please also note: For Will Robison's Kenya Travel. Whether this money sends me to Kenya or helps children in Kenya directly, your dollars will not go to waste.

Thank you for listening to my message. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

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