Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Countdown to Kenya - Day Twenty One

What a blessing it is to be able to go to Kenya and do the Lord's work. What an incredible gift I've been offered. What a wonderful opportunity.

In each life there falls just a few such gems. When I was younger I was always impressed by two types of stories - ones where people had incredible once in a lifetime opportunities and ones where people had done incredibly righteous things. We are all impressed with Neil Armstrong - the first man to walk on the moon - AND Mother Theresa - who took care of the sick and the needy in India for her entire life. Ask Bono and I'd bet that he'd tell you the opportunity to be a rock star on a huge stage was second to helping the poor and hungry in Africa.

But the thing is, these opportunities don't come along all that often. Let's be realistic. Most of us don't have the time or the temperament to do either of these things. We aren't dedicated or talented enough to be Neil Armstrong, and we have too much normal living to do to be Mother Theresa. We have bills to pay and friends to see and families to raise and all sorts of other things. We can be impressed by the actions of others. We can applaud what they do. But we will never be them. We will never have that opportunity to be a rock star or a prophet.

So to get this opportunity, to reach a point in my life where I am in a position to let the rest of my world fall away for a short time so that I can help others in a far off land, is a truly incredible gift. God has blessed me. And I can't possibly take any credit for these actions. He calls. I follow. And I thank Him for this chance to be the kind of person and do the kind of thing that I most admire.

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