Tuesday, July 29, 2008

X-Files: I Want To Believe (2008) - 3.5 Wigs

Um... what I really want to believe is that there was an X-File here, somewhere. But, quite frankly, there wasn't.

The basic plot involves a missing FBI agent and a former defrocked pedophile priest who has psychic visions. That's it. There is no greater mystery here other than the details of the rather sick science experiment (which is SO twisted that it has a web site that Scully reads... ;) and how the girl is abducted. Yet, in trying to evaluate whether this priest is legit or not, they need to call in an expert and so bring Fox Mulder out of retirement while forgiving him all of his crimes. Excuse me? What happened to the glorified idea of Fox Mulder in hiding? Or of vast government conspiracies and doppelganging aliens who have been out to get him for the last ten years or so? Nope. Come in and evaluate our run of the mill psychic and everything is forgiven.

That said, I have to admit that unlike Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Mulder and Scully are still Mulder and Scully - not some updated versions of the characters. It was nice to spend two hours with them, catching up on what they've been doing since they've been off the air, and getting to share one last adventure with them - no matter how lame. If this was a set up for further adventures, count me in, so long as there is actual adventure in these future adventures. If not, then it was kind of like watching one of those ten year reunion episodes where the characters come back and tell you what they've been up to and we reminisce about how good the show used to be and you get a slight warm and fuzzy feeling inside before the show ends.

Ultimately I gave the flick 3.5 not because of the plot or because of the scary X-File, but because of Mulder and Scully, back on the screen, doing what they always do. That's the only reason to see this film. If you're looking for some deep revelation about the mysteries of the universe, try the Discovery Channel.

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