Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hancock (2008) - 3.5 Wigs

Hancock is the latest Will Smith movie to hit on July 4th. I don't like all Will Smith movies, but I've always liked Will Smith. It must be a name thing. He is perfect in this role, as he usually is in every role he's in, whether I like the movie or not.

In Hancock, Will Smith plays a reluctant super-hero with a mysterious past. To reveal more than that would ruin some of the fun of this movie. Suffice it to say, its not a "real" comic-book movie, but thankfully the writers didn't spend a whole lot of time developing the back story because it was a rather weak story and the fun of this movie is the present - the here and now.

By far, the best reason to see this movie, is to see Jason Bateman. As the guy who offers to change Hancock's image from "A$$hole" to "Super Hero," Jason plays the role with nuanced perfection. This guy reminded me of so many people I know who totally believe in their failed causes that every new opportunity that comes along in just one more chance to relaunch their old idea. There's an optimism in Jason's character that gives the movie a lot of heart and that really makes the ending much better.

Of all the superhero movies I've seen this summer (four out of five so far), I'd say that this one has the most heart. It wasn't the greatest movie. It had its flaws, but it was still the one that kept me interested in the characters all the way through.

Go check it out.

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