Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday Categories

I've decided to try something new here (old for some of you)...

Its a little game I call Categories. I name a subject and you give me your three best answers. I.E. What are the three best names for a baby alligator? And you'd answer: Huey, Duey, and Luigi. Or whatever...

So, here goes...

What are the three worst ways you could ever end a prayer?

Check out the answers as they come in...


Will Robison said...

1) Word to your mother!

2) Our father, yadda yadda yadda...

3) And if you don't give me everything I want, I'm just going to hold my breathe until you do!

Andy said...

1 - Just chillin' with the villain...

2 - Stop making me feel bad all the time!

3 - I want an answer NOW!

AJ said...

1) *a long, awkward silence, which is unbroken until someone coughs*
2) "Did you get all that?"
3) "Forget what I just said."

Dan said...

1) "As your word says, 'God helps those who help themselves.'"
2) "Just, be with us. Just, go with us throughout our week. Just, just, just..."
3)"... pick up the dry-cleaning, stop by the post office... 'Sorry Lord, got distracted. I pray all these things in your name. Amen.' Let's see... taxes! Gotta get those done..."

Will Robison said...

4) Amen... Darn, I'm out of toilet paper.

(Sorry, I thought that one up this morning... ;)

Anonymous said...

1. AMEN....A men?...hmmm about 6-2 with green eyes and he has to love children.....sorry I digress.....Amen
2.I am what you made me to stop yellin
3.I pray with all my heart,mind soul...the body belongs to someone else...amen...a men? hmmm

Unknown said...

1. So, anyhow, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

2. Just a thought - what is the worst thing I could do and not get sent to hell? Not that I'm planning anything.

3. If you could see to it to make the mega millions numbers come out as 1, 2, 15, 32, 48, mega 7, I would make a small donation to your cause...

Sue said...

So far my favorite is
"Did you get all that?"

"If you could see to it to make the mega millions numbers come out.." is a close second