Thursday, February 02, 2006

Back from the Hinterlands

There are days when you walk and talk beside the Lord. And there are days when you feel the Lord pushing you up the hill. I find that image from the famous short story - Footprints - to be comforting in so many ways. Its a gentle reminder that even when we don't feel God near, He is still with us, helping us and keeping an eye on us.

I tend to lose focus from time to time. I think it comes part and parcel with my writing ability. My life just sort of goes fuzzy around the edges. I move forward, deliberately, but I don't look around or stop. Everything is blurry on the edges and I really don't know what I'm doing. Despair and depression are just waiting to pounce - to remind me what a no good loser I am. Every step is a struggle. Every breath a labor. Nothing seems important or has value. And though I know it all to be an illusion, a false feeling that will eventually pass, like a headache that I just can't shake, all I can do is be patient and move forward.

And then, slowly, the edges begin to become clearer and I can see the good things in my life again. I'm reminded of what love feels like, or joy, or mirth. Optimism returns like a sunrise - slow, spreading, warm. And there, to my side, is Jesus - still walking with me and guiding me every step of the way - a constant companion to my blind bad self.

So, I'm back from the Hinterlands now, and if you didn't notice that I was gone - well, I've had 36 years of practice to make you think I was here all along. Anyone can pretend to be awake when they are asleep, and some are more accomplished at it that others. I am leading the Youth on a ski trip to the Sierras this weekend. And then next week, I am winding down the editing of my Novel for hopefully the last time - followed by the sending out of letters to Agents starting a week from Monday, and then the second half rewrite (editing is one thing, rewriting is another skill entirely) with a deadline of March 7th, 2006. In all these plans, I know that I am still God's servant and that He might have other plans for me. I will await patiently and hopefully with my heart open to hear His call.

I love you all.

In Christ,



Andy said...

Yo dude, have fun up on the slopes. Let me know how you do attempting the 360 on the halfpipe...that is the 360 when you're flat on your back. ;-D

Shred it, dude.

Anonymous said...

90% of the battle is knowing that it is there. I always get lost in where I am at the time. I am so blessed that even when I forget that God is with me, He is there and like you, when I finally come out of the fog..There is that sweet light that only can come from above. My life goes forward and my lord is beside me...hell can not claim me. I survive... another victory, today and for as long as I need to sojourn. Welcome back, you were missed.