Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So ultimately what was it all about? Why did God have me travel to Kenya? Well, the answer might surprise you. I know it surprised me.

You see, I got to walk along that dusty road with the kids. I got to play soccer. It was hot. Everything in my vision of Kenya came true. But this was no Hollywood revelation. I didn't get the reality that went with the vision and suddenly have the music swell and realize that my life was meaningless and that I was supposed to save the world. Nope. Didn't happen that way at all. After a week, I had done everything I had come to Kenya to do according to my vision and... well, I didn't know what. I waited patiently for God to show me the way.

At almost the halfway point of the trip, I was told cryptically that one of the partners wanted to talk to me about some idea he had. At first I didn't know what he wanted. Eventually I saw him again for a few minutes and I asked what he wanted. "Have you thought about shooting some video of our organization? I'd like a copy of that. We'd use it in a promotional video." That was the entire length of the conversation.

I started thinking about how I'd make sure all of our four partners could receive copies of the footage that I took. And then I started thinking about tailoring my footage specifically to each partner so that the promotional video might actually work. And then... well, my mind was churning.

Over my final weekend there, a visiting pastor who didn't know me from any other Muzungu (white person), decided to give me a Kenyan name as part of his sermon. He looked me over and said, "Your Kenyan name should be Mugendi." I nodded, to be polite, since I had no idea what that name meant. After a minute, he said, "Mugendi means traveler... voyager..." I later learned that the term is closer to vagabond. Vagabond was the name of the production company that made my first film. It would seem that I had my confirmation.

On my last work day there, I started talking with all of our partners asking them if they would like to have someone come and make a promotional video for them. They loved the idea. And thus was Mugendi Films born.

My idea is still in its infancy - not very much more advanced than it was in Kenya. Mugendi will be a non-profit film company that will make promotional videos of other non-profits around the world. An organization that needs a promotional video to show their potential donors and partners would contact Mugendi and we would send out a film maker and an assistant to this partner to make a film. The film makers would then come back and edit a promotional video together for this partner for a website and a promotional DVD. Cost of the production would be free. Transportation would be covered by the film maker. Cost of living while making the film would be covered by the partner. Or in other words, I will pay to go back to Kenya to make four promotional films for our four partners. They will make sure I'm fed, housed, and transported while I am there. And there will be no other costs associated with the production. (Though we might have to figure out how to pay for things like film and DVD's.)

Anyway, God put this idea on my heart and let His zeal burn inside me. I tossed and turned at night in Kenya while I thought of how this would all work and how wonderful it would be for our partners and for other organizations to be able to get their message out.

I've got a long way to go before this is a reality. But I don't have any doubt that this is what God wants me to do.


Dave Lamb said...

Sounds exciting Will. I suspect you've thought of this, but Gregg Meister would probably have some useful advice.

Anonymous said...

Very cool.


Andy said...

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. - Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV)

Dude! You've sought him with all your heart and he's now revealed a major plan for your life! Keep taking those steps forward!!!

Will Robison said...

Dave - Yep. Once I get a more definitive picture in my head, I will be contacting him for some advice.

Andy - I get that feeling you have when the puzzle first begins to take shape and you can start to see the outline of the picture. God hasn't finished revealing everything to me, but I think I've got the edge pieces in place.

Bill Gnade said...


Your posts re: Kenya made me think of this music video, which I posted on my Facebook page a couple of months ago. Perhaps you've seen it already. It is lovely, tearfully lovely.