Friday, December 19, 2008

A quick recap...

For those of you who want the short version of my last ten days and next ten...

1) I finished up my final two classes in cinema - Advanced Cinematography and Advanced Sound. This required the complete creation of sound for three scenes from my movie and a final exam in Adv. Cine. Needless to say, I'm a little mentally exhausted right now.

2) I am well into the sound edit of my film. This is the third to last step. Second to last being the mixing of sound and music. And final step being actual distribution (i.e. DVD's, etc...) Short answer - not going to happen before Christmas.

3) I'm negotiating the creation of a film/acting cooperative with my co-producer and a group of students at San Francisco State. This will hopefully play a huge roll in the coming year.

4) Christmas continues to enthrall me with lots and lots of activities; concerts, services, and, of course, shopping. Always a busy time of year, made doubly so with my school and work schedules.

5) Work continues to kick my a$$ thanks to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, but I'm finally getting a handle on it... just in time for the economy to completely tank. *sigh*

6) All those signs and portents that my unusually "normal" life would soon be rocked by waves of change seem to be leading to a fundamental change in my current lifestyle in the very near future. (I.E. God has plans for me and the veil is just about to be pulled). I'm ready to embrace whatever He sends my way.

That's it. I'll try to get back to this blog next week for those of you still around to read it and maybe expand on some of these topics then. Until then, or if I don't catch you sooner, have a nice Christmas!

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