Friday, December 14, 2007

Sustainable Futures

There's probably an ah ha out there and a I told you so. But if there is, I don't remember them.

The first Dams were built not with the idea of hydro-electric power or watermills or anything useful in mind, so much as a way to keep the countryside from flooding. The feast or famile approach to existence was a very primitive but necessary way of life, since they had no concept of dams yet. Once the dam was invented and people could keep themselves from becoming inundated, agriculture could thrive and modern society could really develop.

I've been pondering that lately as I approach modern life.

I wrote earlier this fall at the almost perfect storm of a schedule that I was contemplating. So far, I've managed to weather most of the storm and am happy to say that by this time next week, I will be in clear skies and sailing free. I'm not adverse to a little weather from time to time, but the past couple of months, and especially the past six weeks, have taught me that if you can avoid being inundated you ought to do that.

And so, in my idle moments now while I wrap up the few remaining projects that I still have to do (and ponder all that Christmas shopping I have yet to even contemplate) I am beginning to imagine a sustainable future wherein I don't overimmerse myself in projects and plans. I am trying to contemplate a slow and sustainable rate of growth insted of throwing all projects on the fire at once.

Nobody knows what the future holds for them, of course, but I'd like to be prepared to tackle things on my own terms as much as possible. So the planning for the future begins and the dam thing better work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What you said.
