Friday, December 07, 2007

How would THAT look under the tree?

A little light Friday after a long week...

Occasionally I read the subject lines of spam e-mail and I can't help but wondering if the e-mail is as creative as the headline. But the one I just saw made me smile even though I immediately erased it.

It read: "Santa will make your willie stronger and thicker."

This sudden explosion (pardon the pun) of hoohaa related spams has at least made the purveyors of spamdom start thinking creatively to get people to open their e-mails. I've hand promises of all kinds about strengthening my rope, extending my reach, thickening my third leg, etc... But to me, there are flaws in the basic approach to the spam. The flaws are similar to those messages you see at the beginning of DVD's, "This program has been modified to fit your TV screen." How do they know how big my screen is? How do they know it needs to be modified? I'm quite happy with my screen. It can do the job just fine, giving me robust color and powerful channel reception, and if I want to enjoy the privacy of my screen in my own home, I can do that too. So keep your program modification out of my home, damn you! Oh wait... what was I talking about again?

Oh, that's right... Santa. Imagine him carrying this thing around in his sleigh and then trying to shove it down a chimminey. Too painful? Probably.

I'm getting out while the getting is good.

Have a nice weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've hand promises of all kinds about strengthening my rope . . .

Dude, Freud would be so proud.
