Friday, November 14, 2008

When the credit crisis hits home

On Sunday, my Mom had two of her credit cards credit amounts slashed to $500. On Monday, my Step-Mom had a credit card lose about $1400 of credit. On Wednesday, my Dad had a credit card drop to just $100 credit. And yesterday, it was my turn - one credit card lost $1100 credit.

The Great Depression hit America a full six months after the market collapse. There have been many reasons credited for the start of the Depression, but the main factors included a tightening of money, a loss of jobs, and extremely low consumer confidence. I'm not making any predictions, but when we're daily hearing about companies slashing thousands of jobs, and extremely low consumer spending trends, do we really want to add fuel to the fire by also cutting off people's access to what funds they do have?

I should point out that all four people mentioned here have EXCELLENT credit. So, if we're being targeted already, how much longer until the rest of the country finds its credit gone?

These idiots were the ones who got us into this mess. Are we really going to expect them to make wise business decisions now?

Its time to start fixing up a nice cozy cardboard box for a house and to find a nice, defensive place in the park to live in. The Greater Depression is coming. Its as unavoidable as stupid people on the highway.

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