Thursday, March 06, 2008

Ashton Kutcher is a F***ing Genius!

I liked Kelso on That 70's Show. But most of the Ashton Kutcher stuff I could really do without. However, I heard people tell me about Punked and I thought it was a great premise for a show. Now, however, Kutcher has moved beyond Punked into brilliant satire territory.

For the past three months, he and his Hollywood pals have been faking incidents for the Paparazzi to report. They have been doing this for a new show that will air on E in a month or so. They haven't told anyone what they are doing and, in fact, they've done such a good job that they even faked out E's own news reporting group.

The idea of punking the paparazzi is such a good one that I'm surprised nobody else thought of it before. The fact that they've been able to get away with it for three months is absolutely genius. Once this show airs, people are finally going to be a)questioning all those tabloid reports they read (was the paparazzi punked?) and b) questioning the real value of all this celebrity gossip (ultimately, who cares?)

Anyway, I don't get cable, and I'm not sure I'd watch anyway. But just the thought that someone is going around hoodwinking these vultures of "culture" brings a smile to my heart.

I'm audi...

1 comment:

Dennis Stevens said...

Actually, I do not think this idea is all that genius.

I have been working on similar ideas for several years but have not been able to pitch them to the right folks. Unfortunately, in this case, I have been beaten to the punch but fortunately, I have a few other good ideas left in me.


~ Dennis