Tuesday, October 03, 2006

When all else fails...

I admit to now being caught up in a Communist conspiracy to destroy this country. Long believed to have given up due to a lack of recruits, it is clear now that the Communists have merely gone into hiding while they seek to subvert this nation with lies and hypocrisy. But I have caught on to their lies and deceit and I now know better.

I was clearly informed in the news that the writ of Habeus Corpus was being suspended by the bill that the Senate passed last week. I was not the only person who read this article and took its meaning to be that Habeus Corpus was suspended. A very fine lawyer who is a friend of my sister also blogged about the exact same thing and with the exact same passion and anger. We were both duped. According to another very fine lawyer, Randall Sherman, who knows a thing or two about legal gobbledygook used in the writing of these complex bills, Habeus Corpus is not suspended at all. Not even close.

Is this another attempt by Democrats to get a rise out of its supporters by claiming things falsely? Is this another attempt by Republicans to lie to their right wing constituents by showing they are tough on terror, even when they're not willing to suspend the Constitution to go after these bad guys? I know I didn't misread it. Therefore, someone in the know clearly misinformed the public.

Apparently, any news of this bill has long since been buried by the sexual escapades of Congressman Foley of Florida. If you read the headlines on the internet, Congressman Foley was set up by the Democrats to take a fall right before the mid-term elections... or... Congressman Foley's sexual escapades were covered up until after the mid-term elections to help Republicans take control of the house... or... There were no escapades and the Democrats are falsely creating a scandal in order to destroy Foley and Hastert... or... The entire Republican party is a giant cabal of pimps and drug users and evil men intent on destroying the world and bringing Satan back. I've seen all this on the internet. I know I didn't misread it. Therefore, someone in the know might be trying to misinform the public.

The higher the stakes grow, the more outrageous the claims. I half expect to see a front page headline in the San Francisco Chronicle tomorrow that Barry Bonds bites the heads off live bats because of steroids. But, in other papers, I half expect to see a front page headline that ties Foley to the White House and to Monica Lewinsky (depending on which political affiliation's newspaper you happen to read).

Clearly, someone is playing both sides against each other. This is too much of a thing to be random chance. And no amount of ridiculous luck is going to give Al Queda a chance to run such a perfect psy-op on the American people. No, there is only one group smart enough and capable of running such a smear campaign against both parties at once.

If you guessed the Green Party, you're wrong.

No, my friends... the Communists are back! They have infiltrated our government by convincing us that they are our friends again. And now, they have begun the most outrageous conflict of all. They are destroying us from within.

They almost got me. Don't let them get you. Don't believe anything coming out of the White House or Congress anymore. Its not true. Vote your conscience. Vote for the best person. And may the best person win. Its time we stopped looking at party's and started looking at Americans. After all, I'd take a Republican congressman over a communist one any day of the week! So this election year, vote American.


Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Will and all,

If they're going to go around attacking others for not living up to their professed values, it's a damn good idea to be truthful and actually walk the walk. Logs and motes in the eye, glass houses, kettle's and pots, and what goes around eventually comes around, et al. Karma's a bitch when She finally decides enough is enough! This wouldn't have been so bad on Republicans if they hadn't been such arrogant hypocrites in order to corner the so-called values voters! Now the Two Candlesticks and Two Witnesses (Truth and Justice) are breathing fire and raining hailstones!

Christian Political Leadership, Hypocrisy, Duplicity, and Purposeful Evil

The current scandal involving Congressman Foley is merely the latest in an amazingly long list of blatant deception and duplicity by Republicans and the Christian Right in recent years. While bedeviling us all with their holier-than-thou pretenses, they consistently support and/or perform blatant greed and abominable evil. Never forget the extent of their arrogance over the last two decades and especially the last 6 years. It is beyond amazing that Christians continue to blindly support such obviously blatant scoundrels, even as they are repeatedly exposed going against the most basic of human values. The level of hypocrisy and duplicity boggles the mind. There is no longer any doubt, whatsoever, that Christianity is little more than a purposeful deception used by political and religious leaders to dupe, manipulate, and coerce entire populations into giving them wealth and power, which they always use for greed, injustice, and abominable evils.

The actions of Foley and those who covered up for him directly parallel the actions of scores of priests that have raped innocent children, preyed upon others for centuries, and had their actions hidden and abetted by the Vatican. Now, in eerie repetition of Vatican history, we have a power hungry Christian Emperor (GW) working closely with the Vatican and Judeo-Christian aristocrats to lead crusades in the so-called Holy Land. Furthermore, to leave little doubt about the reality of this assessment, the USA, as the new Holy Roman Empire, is about to legalize the torture it has perpetrated in recent years while steadily reversing many of the democratic and civil freedoms that people gained when the Vatican and royalty lost control of their European empire at the turn of the nineteenth century. Now we see them following the same old path of evil as they strive to cement the status of the USA as the latest proxy Vatican empire. Make no mistake about it, the new dark ages are looming on the horizon unless we do something proactive to prevent it.

Remember that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it!

Read More:
Here is Wisdom !!


Will Robison said...

Seven - You clearly miss the point of religion in general and Christianity in specific. While the Foley thing is damning to Foley and some in the Republican leadership, it is only because they are so well exposed to the public that we are even hearing about it. There are hundreds of thousands of sexual predators in this country, and my guess is that half of them are Republican and half of them are Democrats - assuming they vote at all.

Does this point to political hypocrisy? Sure. Does it point to religious hypocrisy? No. Not any more than any sin perpetrated by any individual points to the hypocrisy of their religion. Most religions preach that humans aren't perfect. This, if anything, proves that point.

But the other thing about what you said that is wrong is that what Foley did does not show religion to be hypocritical. For every person out there calling for Foley's head, and other body parts, there are just as many Christians praying for his healing, praying for his family, and praying for his victims. We don't want to destroy bad people, we want to destroy evil. Hate the sin, not the sinner.

Its not my place to forgive Foley. He's done nothing to me personally. Its God's place to forgive him. And God has forgiven him, if he'll accept it, by dying on the cross to absorb all his sins - not just small sins like jaywalking and cursing, but large sins as well, like those that have come to light.

A case in point about the need for religion and the need for Christianity is the fact that the family of one of the little Amish girls who was killed this week has asked the family of the murderer to join them at the funeral. This is an incredibly gracious and loving act that most people on this planet would be unable to understand. I'd like to think that with religion we can see more responses like this one, and less responses like your e-mail.

Its not too late to come to Christ, Seven. Its not too late to embrace the only truth that will embrace you back.

Anonymous said...

There's only room for one heathen here seven, and that's me!

Will Robison said...

Don't worry, Steve. I don't plan to replace you with another heathen. Your job is secure. ;)

Andy said...

Nicely said, Will - both in your response to Seven (who is clearly good soil) and to Steve...who is the resident "heathen" in this slice of the 'Sphere.

We must protect our own!!!!