Wednesday, October 18, 2006


This is my last post.

It has become increasingly obvious to me that blogging, while fun, is not very productive and has begun to use up my creative resources in things of a finite and immediate pleasure. Since I started blogging over a year ago, my writing has nearly ground to a halt and I have not had much success in starting new ventures. Therefore, I will curtail any further blogging until such time as I can get back on track.

With any luck, the text of my next blog will read, "I have just been published!"

Thank you all for reading my little corner of the web. I appreciate your support and your comments. I will not be disappearing entirely, however, so you will still see me active as a reader. But I will not post any more blogs, so you can stop checking to see if there's anything new. I could not have come as far as this without your support.

And now, may the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you all, now and forever. Amen.


Roseuvsharon said...

Please see my comment on the previous post.

Anonymous said...

Say it ain't so Bro! However, I completely understand and my prayers are with you. Still looking forward to your book and am praying for an agent/publisher to get so excited about you that they can't stand it and just have to get your work "Out There"! Peace bro.

Will Robison said...

Thanks to everyone for their responses... Sometimes you just need to get some space from things in order to clear your head, your heart, and your soul before plunging ahead.

I'm feeling lead. I'm not sure where, but I have a feeling that I'm not close to being done with a Novel I "completed" a year ago. I think my ego is finally getting out of the way and allowing me to make the changes that need to be made. Its a good book. Really. Its just that it can be spectacular... or, as I am coming to suspect... it can be a series of spectacular books!

My ego is putting up a good fight, however. "It's Fine! Leave it alone! You're just stalling!" But deep inside, I'm actually getting thrilled about the changes I need to make - thrilled that the book(s) will turn out much better as a result. Making these changes, however, will mean a great deal more writing, editing, etc... So I must take great care before I plunge off into parts unknown lest I waste another year and just horribly muck up what I've already accomplished.

Why couldn't I have just been a lawyer?! That would have made my life so much simpler... ;)

AJ said...

Killing a blog to work on a book is what I call justifiable homicide. I feel the pain of your situation. But still...maybe you could post an excerpt now and then.

Dan said...

Sometimes walking away and coming back at a later time is a good thing. Best of luck on the books series!