Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Lost In Thought...

My mind has been contemplating deep things today - none of which form any practical problem that might be solved.

I am annoyed that the producers of Lost are going to reveal the Secret of the Numbers online. I feel like a second class citizen viewer because I don't have time to totally geek out at their online Lost Experience. Perhaps they feel I'm just not loyal enough for them.

I am entirely ambivalent about Lance Bass being gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being ambivalent. I'm just annoyed that he's in a relationship with Riechen of Chip N Riechen fame from Season 4 of The Amazing Race. I never liked those guys and I'm sure that my guys lost.

I can't get an idea in my head of what a web site would look like if it didn't look like any other website, and yet still functioned like one. After I've wrapped my head around that one for a while, I'll let you know how big a headache I have.

I feel cheated that there hasn't been any good baseball trades so far this year. Good or bad, I want to see an A-Rod for Nomar Garciapara trade. Just something to sink my teeth into. I feel like I've been waiting for steak while being offered nothing but strained carrots.

I've been on the blogosphere all week reading other people's blogs. Everyone is on such a creative high right now. I think my sister at SuperstarInTraining has written more posts this week than she has all year. And they've all been good. Andy at Milefromthebeach has had an excellent run of doctrinal and deep belief based blogs over at his blog. R. Sherman has been snorkeling in the CNN waters lately for the source of his material (it must be the stress of work - which perhaps explains why I go off the deep end on Bush all the time). Ariel is blogged under by his class right now. Marcel wrote an incredibly true story over at Carioca. 7th Inning Stretch has been anemic by comparison, but well, it don't bring home the bling.

Jerry Porter (Raiders) should be traded to the Cowboys. In fact, there should be an NFL wide conspiracy that anytime someone demands a trade, they ought to be sent to the Cowboys. I just want to see how a team with 40 something guys does when everyone of them wants the ball on every single play.

Sunday was the day of Heart in sports - Tiger winning the B.O., the American kid winning the Tour, and Armando Benitez ripping the heart out of the Giants by handing a victory to the Padres. Which one of these is not like the other?

Ah me, oh my, where it will gooooooooo?

I'm much too complacent today to pick a fight. After spending an entire day with a headache yesterday, staring at a computer screen when I could keep my eyes open at all, today I sat down at my desk with energy and determination. I grabbed up my paperwork and wrote, and typed, and filed and copied, and did two or three hours of work and then I looked at my watch and realized that 15 minutes had passed. I just started to laugh. God uses time as a punishment sometimes.

That's it. No more meandering. Thank you all for dropping by. Now you may continue with your lives. Please watch your step as you exit. Keep your hands and arms in the train at all times. No smoking please and No flash photography. Goodbye.

1 comment:

Andy said...

And Armando did it again last night.

And Landis has tested positive for high levels of testosterone.

Suddenly the heart's been ripped out of sports again.