Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I've been trying to get some things done around here. The TAC Website, for instance, has a great many projects underway, though changes to its super structure will probably not be noticed for a couple of months. A major change, however, is that we are fast rushing towards the launch of our online store, Nostalgique.

But most importantly, I now have people thoroughly engrossed in the first ten chapters of my novel - readings are under way - and I've created a new blog for people who want to comment on their readings. Those who have read the first ten chapters, can go here. The rest of you should wait until you've had the opportunity to read these chapters, since no matter how good we are at hiding information, there will be spoilers at this blog.

That being said, and done, I move on to always the next project - a Youth Group Reunion this Saturday, a surprise party less than two weeks from now, a 70th Birthday party for my Dad, launch of a webstore, mad rush to rewrite my website, sending off manuscripts to agents, cleaning my house, and all sorts of assorted other projects. I'd be tired, if I had the time ;)

1 comment:

Andy said...

I will look forward to bantering with you, Sue and others on said work of fiction. The oughta be fun...