Tuesday, January 10, 2006

God Spoke To Me

Okay, maybe the meds are finally kicking in, or its one of those strange side effects that you hear about on the TV ads (Side effects may include high blood pressure, bloody noses, and hearing the Voice of God), but last night, or more accurately, this morning God Spoke To Me.

I should backtrack a little. I was having this really bizarre dream that only in afterthought did it occur to me that it was a metaphor for my life so far. It started with me driving a very long distance from home to see Karen. Now, I pointed out in the comments of one of my previous blogs that I don't think of Karen often. So perhaps it was the blog that prompted me to dream of her, I don't know - but it was unusual. I met her on a street that looked like my own overlooking the ocean (only with a much better view) and she explained to me why we had broken up (I was being dense as usual ;) But just as she finished explaining this to me, Harry Potter called for help. He was about to be turned into a werewolf and he needed me to roll a good saving throw or else he was doomed forever. I rolled a 17 on a D20 and he survived. But I needed to hop on his Quidditch broom and go get water. I ended up in a foreign castle stealing some Hawaiian Punch and returning just in time to rescue Harry and his friends. I now had to hop in my car and drive home. I drove through this desolate part of town where everything was barren and lifeless. Then I exited the car and started walking. I passed a group of people who were fighting a fire, but I couldn't be bothered. It started to hail and I hid briefly from the hail under a woman's umbrella, but it wasn't shelter. So I ran into a building until the hail had passed and then, finally I reached what I thought was home, only to discover that I was still far, far from home and I had no idea where my car was. I continued to walk and after about ten miles I came to this beautiful resort where my parents were on vacation. They agreed to loan me the car, but while I was there, a friend of mine invited me to her wedding and there were all these bridesmaids who wouldn't give me the time of day and... in the back of my mind, I could hear the clock radio - they were talking about football, and my mind was still focused on the dream, and then, I heard Him.


It was not my own mind. And it wasn't on the radio. Over both of those voices - external and internal - on a sort of PA system that played directly into my brain, I heard God. The voice was quiet, peaceful, powerful, and loving - in a way that we all wish our voices could be and Adam Adamson only wishes his Aslan could have sounded like.

It seemed almost trivial. I woke up immediately and turned off my clock radio before the air raid siren sounded to fully wake me up. I sat up in bed and blinked back the sleep, the dream still fully in my mind and I thought, "God spoke to me... God Spoke To Me!" And then I thought, "God woke me up. Now, that's what I call service!"

I've been walking around all day now thinking about the implications of this one word. I am constantly reminded of Samuel hearing God's voice. "Samuel, Samuel," God called and Samuel was convinced that it was the Priest. But the Priest finally realized that it was God and told Samuel to answer Him. I realized that I've been hearing my name quite a bit lately - floating on the wind. I've assumed I was crazy or that someone had called my name and then changed their mind.

But now I know. It was God. The message was a little vague, but it was still God. And I've been wondering what He wants me to do. And then, it occurred to me - God's already told me what to do. He's told us all what to do. And we've been standing around like Sleeper Agents on Earth, waiting for the activation word - the code word that'll send us out to do His mission. Well, I think I've just been activated.

Praise God. He is alive. And He does speak to you!

P.S. This blog may have unintended side effects that may include spontaneous praising, unintentional smiles, and hearing the Voice of God. If any of these symptoms should occur, please consult a Bible immediately. Use only as directed.


Andy said...

I love it! Only you, my good brother, can go from Karen, to Dungeons and Dragons ("17 on D20"), to Potter...then to God. I'm surprised there wasn't a scene of you hitting a game winning Grand Slam in game 7 of the World Series. ;-)

In all seriousness, we are God's sleeper cell - we need to awaken, though, and infiltrate HIS WORD to all.

I know that I'm having some concerns right now about writing a sermon message for later this month, and it's been one of my prayers that God gives me the words to speak.

As I was reading the Bible this morning on BART, David's blessing in praise of God and his advice to Solomon, towards the end of 1 Chronicles, jumped right out. I knew that God had spoken to me, that He wants me to relay those words as part of my message.

It's a good day!

Will Robison said...

If God can take the time to actually speak to me, just to Wake Me Up, then He can do anything! He is there! He is waiting! He is risen, indeed! God will help you with your sermon. With God, nothing is impossible... even my crazy dream last night!

Unknown said...

I had two very similar experiences. One night, I was ruminating on life and what life is about, and I got an image of my two kids and I, too, heard God's voice, "They are the answer. I am the path." It was such an overwhelming feeling, but calming all at the same time. God was reminding me what a gift I have been giving in the love that surrounds me and how I need to give that love back. They are the answer. To all problems. To all questions. The answer is my kids. God is the path to that answer. Faith, trust, hope, love - the greatest of these is love.

In my other experience, I was taken on a trip to Heaven. I have been sad, life and stress are weighing on me. In my (dream?), I was on a train, going through a tunnel. When I came out of the tunnel, I looked out the window and saw the most beautiful, astounding field of green pastures, bright green. It was so beautiful, I could almost smell it. I remember thinking it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. All of a sudden, I say out loud (and I thought I was alone...) "Is that Heaven?"

A voice responds. "Let's go see."

Next thing I know, I am standing in the field. There is a fine layer of fog in front of me, but I can just make out trees and hear animals in the distance. I am calm. I feel serenity and peace. I look around and am overjoyed by the beauty. And then I think of my children.

I say to the voice, "I can't go. I want to see my kids."

And I woke up. With a breath of air - I felt like I was sucking it in when I woke up.

When I am afraid now, I think of Heaven. I can't describe the overwhelming beauty. More beautiful than anything you've seen on earth. The greenest greens, the most vivid scenery. The feeling that went with it, though - calm. Beauty. Peace.

Will Robison said...

Deep. Perhaps this is something we all go through - something we need to see and touch and feel and hear and taste - a little preview to remind us of what a precious gift we have been given and a precious opportunity to give that gift to others - to share God's wonderful good news.

Of course, Heather has an IN in Heaven. Our Grandmother's got a place for her, all ready and waiting... Remember, when it comes to Heavem, its not what you know, its Who you Know.

Sue said...

Hi All,
I have heard voices from no where on occasion but I never thought they were from God. God speaks to me through what appear to be random thoughts from no where. However,somehow I know they are "truth" and from God. I guess God speaks to us in different ways.

Will Robison said...

Sue -

I want to be clear. This wasn't the kind of voice that makes you wonder whether you were just thinking it. This wasn't the kind of voice that you might have heard on the radio. This wasn't the kind of voice that you might have mistook what someone else was saying and heard your name. This was a CLEAR AND DISTINCT VOICE in my head, speaking directly to me, with inflection and nuance, love and patience. It said, "Will" but there was so much more behind it. I know it was real because there is no way I can even imagine how I might have misheard something or made up the voice in my head. God Spoke Over My Own Thoughts!

I know. It's weird. And my first thought is, "What if I have a tumor or something?" I'm hearing voices. But I just know that this was God. And no, he didn't tell me to rob a bank or do anything. He just said, "Will".

Will Robison said...

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

I always think of this when I hear stories I can't explain. God is indeed mysterious.

Andy said...

It's funny - tonight you were among the guests who came over for our dinner and Bible study, and last night, while I was thinking about what we'd serve, I mentioned to Page that I thought I'd have some wine available - I knew that our guests weren't tee-totalers.

Last night, in my dreams, I could see a man walking towards me. He stopped in front of me and said, "No alcohol." That's all he said to me.

It's the only part of the dream I remember...if you could call it dream.

I really think God simply told me not to serve any alcohol tonight. And if you noticed, I didn't serve any.

Anonymous said...

i,ve been looking all over the internet for anyone who says god has actually spoken to them.i could never explain why,but sense the day god spoke to me i,ve been on a mission telling my experience.without telling my entire past lets just say i was,nt always good.1-5-07 i called god into my life and instantly felt a powerful change.great things began happenning until 9 months later my sister past away.i hurt so bad for three months praying was,nt helping i finally had a specific prayer to god which he answered,and i noticed 3 days later this heavy pain was lifted from me.i new then god was as real as anything we can see or touch.on oct,2,08 i was driving in my wifes car on a gray rainny looking day and i thought i was having some kind of attack when my chest felt as if it doubled in size,and i fell short of breath.luckily i came to a red light where instantly it seemed as if the sun was all around me although the sun was,nt out at all,it was as if the sun was coming through me.then i hurd this voice in my mind say "steve you,ve been looking for me all your life its me its god".then it was over the light that was around me was gone and my breath came back,my chest felt as if it went down.i could not believe what had happened to me,i mean i know when i'm thinking,but this was'nt me god had spoken to me.i'm still looking 4 answers.

Anonymous said...

In July of 2009 I was in MD Anderson hospital in Houston,Texas for surgery and treatment of a spinal tumor. Through much prayer of and by wonderful Christian people the tumor was found to not be malignant.I was in a very thankful and praise filled state of being also I had asked for forgiveness of sin in my prayers, when I had two very distinct encounters with the spirit of God and he let me experience a bit of heaven.Both were very real and were explanations to the problem that I had with my walk with the Lord. My walk had at many times been a run from the Lord.What a wonderful place to be when we are in the grace of God and how wonderful is heaven but to be there I know we have to be sinless before God and this only comes through the shed blood of his Son Jesus Christ.My friend,start this year out with a new walk with the Lord, go to a bible believing,bible teaching church, surround yourself with strong Christian people,turn from deliberate sin that seperates us from God and you to can experience the love and spirit of God.Thankfully submitted by Bud

Anonymous said...

My dream came to me on Good Friday last month and I cant seem to get back to the way I was before that night. I can no longer breathe deeply, I am constantly anxious, sleeping only 3 hours a night for the last month, I am losing a pound a day off my waist because I lost the desire to eat.
In my dream, I was standing next to God(though I could not see him, I felt him there) and we were both looking at an infinitely long stain of DNA. We were in space, deep space, and I could not see the beginning or the end of the double helix. God was asking me what I wanted to change, I told him, and God began to point at the DNA strand and started pulling individual pieces of DNA out and throwing them into space.
I awoke from the dream and felt as though I just experienced a miracle.
It was a miracle, I was healed that next morning, but with a price. The cost is this feeling I now have do something very important before I die, and that I am going to die soon, real soon. I'm OK with dying, but I want to kn