Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Acceptance Speeches

Another year, another Golden Globes has gone by and I, being a big movie lover, have been left, yet again, with a stunning conclusion - I still haven't won a Golden Globe. Or an Oscar, Grammy, or MTV Movie Award either. Its a rather distressing state of affairs to be so far into my magnificent career and to only have a dozen or so TACCIE Awards to show for it... but that's another story.

I always love Awards season. There is high drama about who will be nominated and who will win. We all have our favorites and we want them to do well. Seeing Return of the King win best picture was kind of like seeing the Giants win the World Series - I never thought I'd live to see a fantasy film win the highest honor.

As a kid, I used to watch the Oscars and dream of some day being up on that stage accepting my own Oscar for Best Film, Screenplay, Actor, Director, Etc... It was my dream to be in front of the entire world and finally show my quality. I admit guiltily to still having the fantasy.

But it occurred to me the other day that the fantasy doesn't really match the reality of the moment. You are being crowned King of the World, and yet, you are obligated to thank everyone you've ever known for making you King. They all try to do it their own unique way, "Oh, I'm so surprised at this award. I never expected anything like this. Its just an honor being nominated," but they always end it the same way, "I'd like to thank..." Really, honestly, I wonder if I wouldn't get up there and say, "Yeah, that's right! I kick A**! I rock! Bow down to my glory!" It would be awfully tempting.

Aside from protocol of what to say and how to say it and who you should thank and what to do if you forget a name or two (take out a full page ad in the newspapers to thank them after the fact... its not cheap being a big star), there is the message behind such comments - that none of us make it to the top without a lot of help along the way.

Couldn't we just skip the Awards and go straight to the thanking?

I'd like to thank Andy for getting me started on this blog. Your enthusiasm and friendship have kept me sane for many years, and just a slightly bit insane at the same time. I'd like to thank Elisa for her many wonderful comments and her ability to make me feel welcome here. I have gained a true friend. I'd like to thank Dan for trusting God and coming all the way from San Jose to meet his spiritual brothers and sisters. I'm not sure I would have made the journey, Dan, and I'm rather impressed. I'd like to thank my sister, Heather, for wearing her heart on her sleeve and keyboard. She keeps reminding me what an older brother is for. I'd like to thank Sue for keeping my head so big that I will always have to duck to enter rooms. Her comments are truly inspiring and I hope a sign of things to come. I'd like to thank Carlb for putting up with me and my incessant ribbing. Remember, I slept with you before Heather did ;)I'd like to thank Ariel for his serious comments that somehow hide the playfulness behind them. I'd like to thank Pastor Peter, without whom I would never have laughed so much these last couple of weeks, and probably would have never seen King Kong. And see... this is where the pressure begins... did I forget anybody? I'd like to thank Chez for visiting our blogosphere from halfway around the globe. I'd like to thank all the other people who have visited my blog over the past couple of months - even during the dreaded Controversial Period. But, most of all, I'd like to thank God, without whom this journey would have never had a beginning, middle or end. I'd like to share this Award with God, but I don't actually have one yet. So, God, my thanks and praise will have to do for now.

Wait, wait... there's someone else I have to thank! Wait... darn music... they always play the music before you're done thanking everyone... oh well... I'll just have to wait until my next acceptance speech.


Andy said...

"You're welcome," I tell you as you appear backstage in front of the TV cameras from E! Entertainment TV.

Of course, in a perfect world, your acceptance speech is followed up by a teaser trailer for "The Thin Line."

Will Robison said...

You think my posse will let you close enough to say thank you? You just don't know how Hollywood works my friend. It changes you. I apologize in advance for the vain ego-maniac I will become. But, hey, I'll be happy to send you a used napkin that I signed someday. After all, you were my Synchronized Swimming partner once. ;)

Andy said...

You forget, my good friend, that I OWN you (hostile takeover of ICON on Blogshares) - or have you forgotten?

Darn straight you thank me first. I hired your posse.

Peter Burch said...

nice post will. i could also imagine you sincerely considering dropping a michael moore bush bash on the crowd? am i right?

Will Robison said...

Andy - Hey dog, you're pooping on my rep! Peeps gonna start thinking I ain't got no play, my schizzle nizzle bo bizzle, bananna fanna fo fizzle. I'ze gotz to protects my rep! Word!

Pastor Peter - I find that ugly accusation rather profoundly disturbing. Are you suggesting that I would foment some sort of disestablishmentarianist revolution against the legitimate authority of this republic? My power and respect comes from the very proles that would rise up with me out of a sycophantic response to some sort of ill-advised outburst of illegitimate and ill-timed claims. I shall never advocate such an action against the tyrannous rulers of this elected government. Pablum, I say! Utter pablum!

Peace out!

Andy said...

Snoop Willy Pill - remember though that we have a dress code, just like the NBA. No do-rags, no bling, no old school jerseys. Look professional, with a suit.

Remember, ICON is now an important part of the blogosphere establishment, and we want to project an image of utmost professionalism, respect, and integrity.

At least until I can sell my shares for 10x what I paid for it.

Unknown said...

Josh and Nattie want to know where they should look for their full page ad?

Unknown said...

Oh, and as your lawyer advisor, Will, I would highly recommend you be more vague in your sycophantic ramblings about the man known as W in crop circles in Texas.