Thursday, September 11, 2008

A.J. has taught me well...

Okay, let's give credit where credit is due. I stole this idea from A.J. over at Bittersweet Life. A few months back he decided to split his blog posts into those personal ones and those professional ones. I've decided to do the same thing since I could hear the collective sigh of wind passing through the hallowed halls of ICONville every time I mentioned anything to do with writing or films or the sort. Not you bag, baby... I understand. Besides, I need to have an excuse to occasionally remind myself that I am a writer or film maker (depends on the day of the week, the position of the moon... you know, its too complicated to explain) and that I need to let others know about that or its just creative masturbation - like YouTube.

So, if you'll all please join me in welcoming my new writing/filmmaking/etc... blog site - The HemiDemiSemiQuaver of Cool!

Yeah, I know... great title. Let's hope that there's more to it than that. In the meantime, you can still come back here to ICON for all the latest religious/political discussions your minds can handle.

You know, now that I think about it, I have blogs for writing, religion, exercise, and baseball. I'm starting to think that I'm breaking up my interests into little horcruxes of blogging - putting each small part of my soul into writing for all the world to "enjoy". That'll make it virtually impossible for you all to kill me! I'll be immortal! Bwah ha ha ha ha hah!

Oops, sorry... every time I split myself like this, I become a little more unstable.

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