Monday, September 17, 2007

Still Doing Things...

I'm like on a doing kick right now. This weekend I managed to finish the movie that I had intended for Help Will Train and managed to get my webmaster to install the film online for me. You can now see this film that is at once self-pitying, hopeful, and... I don't know... I just really like it. Its a great mix of sillyness and great music. The marriage of image and sound and text is a menage a trois of pathetic proportions. So, if you can turn your sound down low, I recommend you watch it - but don't take it too seriously. It's a bit too artistic to be taken seriously.

I also started filming an idea I have for a short film which I hope to finish next week - right now you only get to know the working title, "An athiest walks into a bank..." I spent the afternoon today working with two young actors who were recording the dialogue of an angel and devil. It feels good to just be out there doing something that's not work related, nor school related, nor church related. Its been a long time since I reconnected with ME and did something just for myself. The film should debut on Youtube some time next week, assuming I can convince the actors to come back for some blue screen work (we never do anything easy around here).

I'm sorry if I messed with anyone's mind over the TAC website front page (see last post). I just had this silly idea for a front page and I wanted it to come across as a surprise. I think its more impressive if you're not expecting it.

Its funny that in all this creative development, I have not lost track that God is there in my life. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that this is all part of that little dance that leads me on to a new path. Somehow, all this bizarre creative energy is His doing. I am just grateful to be having fun for a change.

Okay, now back to work... have a good week everyone!

Da Wig

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
