Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Oh the pain, the pain...

Right now I'm in a fiscal fetal position with my thumb in my mouth, crying, and really wanting to be hugged.

I took my car into the shop today for brake work and $1500 later, I might actually be getting new brakes. It seems that there's a small $20 part that broke and is leaking fluid in my brakes. The part is not a problem to replace, but the labor to replace the part is a big problem. Apparently, they have to remove the rear axle in order to replace the part and do all sorts of mucking around with the fluids and differential. I'm about as much of a car guy as I am a construction accountant. But I do know this much, my car is sick and fixing it costs money - lots and lots of money.

When I first took my car into the shop this morning I had this crazy thought that suddenly doesn't seem all that crazy - why do they only have financial aid for students? Shouldn't they have financial aid for car owners as well? Of course, I probably wouldn't qualify for any of those scholarships either, but that doesn't make the idea any less appealing.

I owe, I owe, its off to work I go... :(

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