Thursday, September 13, 2007


It may seem that I've been quiet lately. Its not for a lack of thought. But sometimes thought becomes its own thing and sometimes thought is harnessed into action. Sometimes you reflect and sometimes you do. Right now, I'm doing.

But I can't help read things that others have written and I just can't quite find the words to respond. In A River Runs Through It, the main character remarks that if you listen closely to the river, you can hear God's words underneath the rocks. Well, there are times when I think my words go diving to look for them, because when I look around, my words are nowhere to be found. Its the written equivalent of being struck dumb.

And so, when I reach that situation where my words seem to be on vacation even as I'm stuck here left to fend for myself, I do two things - first, I become very quiet. Its easy to look intelligent if you never open your mouth, which is something the President's advisors might want to remind him from time to time. And second, I start doing. Doing up a storm. All the things I didn't do when I was too busy reflecting on the things I ought to be doing.

To be fair, scheduling seems to be a large part of it. I'm hardly around enough to reflect anymore. I've got class two nights a week, youth group one night a week, and church choirs on one night as well. Throw in all those pesky other meetings and planned outings and such and I've pretty much got things planned 8 or 9 nights a week. If I stopped doing, I'd have to reflect on how much I wasn't getting things done, and that's no fun. Far better to just do, and reflect later.

But not having the words means that when someone asks me, "What have you been doing lately?" my mind immediately clogs with images of all the stuff I've been doing. And because I can't unscramble all those thoughts with a tool as valuable as the English language, I just get this pained Neanderthal look on my face and reply with a very vague, "Things." Which isn't a lie. But its not very descriptive either.

You know, maybe I should add to my list of things to do - FIND WORDS. They must be around here somewhere. Of course, I do have a hole in one of my pockets, so perhaps they fell out and got lost. I should mend that hole while I'm doing things.

Anyway, I'm off to do some more. I'll check in as soon as I have something to reflect. In the meantime, expect some more announcements soon as all this doing seems to be paying off on getting things done.

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