Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The FTC made me do it...

In case you were all wondering, no, I don't always pick up books completely out of the blue, read them, and write a very professional looking review just for kicks and giggles. Occassionally, Multonomah Press sends me e-mails asking if I'd like to read their latest book and write a review about it. In exchange for this courtesy, they send me every book I request. I admit that I haven't read every book they've sent me. Some look better in press releases than in real life. But the books themselves aren't bad, they're just not my cup of tea. I could review them and say, "You'll like, but I don't," but I can't guarantee that you'll like these books even if I do.

Reviews are strange animals. Blogs are about free press. I'm supposed to be allowed to say anything I want about anything I want. The fact is, I sometimes get into free movies. But its not because I have a blog - its just cause I know people. Does this fact change my opinion of the movie? Anyone who worked with me for 8 years in a movie theater would know that free movies do not change my opinion of them. So, I'm not quite sure what the FTC is playing at. Honestly, if you buy stuff just because someone tells you its good, then you deserve whatever you get.

Make an informed decision. Don't let the FTC nor I make it for you.

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