Thursday, May 24, 2012

Where there's a Will (Version 2.0)

I will be going incommunicado for a brief time. It's been coming on for a few weeks now.

As a previous version of me has said before, there are two sides to Will - the Creative Side and the Totally Kick Ass and Takes Names Intelligence Specialist Side. The wimpy, nice, creative side has been in charge now for a little over ten years. He's really done a number on this place while he's been in charge. Eeeuch!

Now, the other Will is in charge. And he doesn't like what he sees. And he's really not liking some of the things going on in his life. Therefore, I've stuffed Creative Will in a box for a while so that I can take care of some business.

Things are going to change around here. Rapidly. And then, I will return you to your regular... hippy... programming.


Anonymous said...

Good luck.


Dave Lamb said...

I like both of those Wills a lot. See you when you get back.

Will Robison said...

Dave: They really don't like each other. One thinks the other one is a soft wimpy artist type. And one thinks the other one is a militaristic meathead. Its kind of funny what goes on in my brain. I recognize the fact that both sides of me have their uses.

Do you suppose that the militaristic meathead appearing so shortly after visiting a privately owned collection of over 400 Tanks has anything do to with each other? ;)