Thursday, February 02, 2012

I Get Knocked Down...

So the extremely brief "relationship" ended before it really got started. I'm not angry about that, just sad because it didn't work out. Still, I'm not sure it would have worked anyway. What I find depressing about the entire experience is the cumulative nature of my defeats. It can feel, at times, that I'm always on the losing end of life.

But I think that's what makes human's human. Its not our victories, its our defeats. Its not our triumphs, but our failures. That the ultimate human being humbled himself to the point of being convicted and sentenced to death while being blameless in anything shows us this dichotomy - fully human (can't get much more of a fail than being rounded up by a mob, beaten up, star in a gloriously fake sham trial, sentenced to death and killed in just about the most gruesome manner possible), and fully God (and yet, at any moment, He could have stopped the sun in the sky, breathed on any person in Jerusalem and turned them to dust, or called down an entire army of angels to not only save Himself but to destroy anyone that might have sought to harm Him). He didn't. He died. He allowed Himself to be murdered - brutally - and with all the weight of the greatest empire the world has ever known behind the murderers. Talk about your ultimate perspective test. Compared to crucifixion, everything else seems pretty hunky-dory.

Time to soldier on. I can pick myself up. Dust myself off. And move on to bigger and better things. For a guy who draws on his past so often in writing stories, I sure don't like to live there.

Oh, and what a perfect time to plug my revamped web-site. It's simple. It's straight-forward. And so far, it is filled entirely with new content. So go there to read my billion dollar franchise idea (Die, Bond, Die), or to see my new teaser trailer or behind the scenes look at The Amazing Mole Too, or to read up on the other projects winding their way forward (like my Kenya Children's Mission Project DVD - so almost done! - and my Folk Music documentary). Here is the website:



Anonymous said...

Good luck on the new site. Will you still be blogging here?


Andy said...

Looks good! Sorry about the date/non-date. She's still out there...whoever she is.

By the way, my word verification was "undat". Bizarrely coincidental.